
Opening of the Lombron solar power plant, a major step in the field of renewable energy

Today saw the inauguration of the Lombron solar power plant, a major event in the field of renewable energy attended by Alain Gremillon, Mayor of Lombron, André Pigné, President of the Communauté de Communes Le Gesnois Bilurien, Thierry Cozic, Senator for the Sarthe district, Gilles Fort, President of the FSL group, as well as numerous elected officials and members of Urbasolar.


Commitment to renewable energy


Situated on a 4.5-hectare site of a former sand and gravel quarry closed since 2014, the 4.6 MWp Lombron photovoltaic power plant symbolizes the transformation of the facility towards renewable energy. The project, strongly supported by elected representatives of Lombron and the Gesnois Bilurien Community of Communes, highlights the joint efforts of the public and private sectors in promoting low-carbon energy and promoting the energy transition.

The energy generated by the plant will meet the electricity needs of the FSL Group, a family-owned SME specializing in the storage and transportation of frozen products for almost 40 years. This is made possible by a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), which ensures a steady supply of green electricity at a fixed, competitive price, significantly supporting the company’s energy transition efforts.

Protection of biodiversity

The redevelopment of the quarry site, abandoned since 2014, was carried out with a strong focus on environmental and landscape issues. The project aimed to integrate seamlessly with the surrounding Sarthe region, while preserving and enhancing local biodiversity.

The activities included adapting the construction schedule to the natural life cycles of local ecosystems and preserving the forest to the east of the site, which currently houses bat roosts installed by Urbasolar. In addition, a hedge of local species was planted to the north of the power plant, creating a sanctuary for small wild animals.

These activities have significantly increased the biodiversity of the area and its surroundings, which is in line with the environmental protection objectives of the project.

The Lombron solar power plant is proof of the region’s commitment to renewable energy and environmental protection, setting a precedent for future projects in the area.