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Turkey flies with Angriffe to Syria and Iraq

Nach dem Anschlag in Ankara mit mindesten fünf Toten hat die Türkei Ziele in Nordsyrien and im Nordirak aus der Luft angegriffen. The man has “32 terrorist attacks” that the Turkish Vertebral Ministry has set up the Anadolu public agent with the state. “Our Luftangriffe werden auf entschlossene Weise fortgesetzt”, here is our answer. The Turkish Regierung has surprises in favor of the fight against the verboten Kurdish Party of the PKK in the general leadership.

Turkey took control of the PKK with headquarters in northwest Syria, as well as the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia in northern Syria, as a partner of the PKK.

Bei dem Anschlag am Mittwoch auf eines der bedeutendsten turkishen Rüstungsunternehmen waren mindestens 5 Menschen getötet and 22 verletzt wordsen. But there are many changes to the situation, said Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya. Der Angriff tragically the Handschrift of the PKK, said the minister. We arrive at Anadolu over the airline in neighboring countries. Turkish Radio Television Service is ready to be suspended with the theme at a specific time.

Erdogan: Anschlag auf Zugpferd der turkischen Verteidigungsindustrie

Das Ziel des Attentats, das Unternehmen Türkische Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie (Tusas), is a commercial operating company of the public agent for green industry, which is responsible for the commercial operation of your company. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced a “takeover” of Turkey’s green industry. The company is run by another truck and drone producer. Laut dem Analysten Murat Yetkin werden von Tusas sowohl im Kampf gegen die PKK as auch gegen die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) von der Türkei eingesetzt.

Anschläge von mehreren Gruppen in der Vergangenheit

The next Anschlag was created by the ultranationalists of the MHP Party and a new version of the PKK-Führers Abdullah Öcalan thematisiert hatten. The MHP is Erdogan’s Regierungspartner. Your leader Devlet Bahceli died due to an attack on the terrorist organization. Beobachter died like a Zeichen dafür, dass es möglicherweise zu un nouveau Friedensprozess zwischen Regierung et le PKK kommen könnte. Der letzte Versuch war 2015 gescheitert.

In Türkiye, in the Vergangenheit sowohl of the IS, the extremist Popular Revolutionary Front DHKP-C as well as the PKK took the Anschläge, also in Ankara. The PKK has been in the Turkish state since the 1980s. These are Ankara, the European Union and the United States as a terrorist organization.

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