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Finland: Russische Störmanöver nehmen zu

Protection against natural disasters warns people of extreme situations. Russische Firmen ächzen sous hohen Zinsen. All the information on the news blog.

5:30 p.m.: In Russia, the trainers of the Angaben der US-Regierung derzeit estimate 3,000 North Korean soldiers. “Wir gehen davon aus, dass Nordkorea zwischen Anfang und Mitte Oktober mindestens 3000 Soldiers in the Osten Russlands verlegt hat,” said the Speaker of the Nationalen Sicherheitsrates in Washington, John Kirby, to the Mittwoch. The Auswärtige Amt bestellte angelichts der Berichte den nordkoreanischen Geschäftsträger in Berlin ein. Russia offers support services and solutions in Pjöngjang.

4:49 a.m.: Russian President Wladimir Putin created Brics-Gipfel with the Ministry of Commerce as an international alternative to the advocacy system. The latter could be prevented from making the US dollar a political waffle, so that the 71st anniversary of the report is in the Russian Kasan.

In Rede auf dem Gipfel, Putin said: “The dollar is like the Waffe eingesetzt. The Russian dictator said, dass fast 95 Prozent des Handels zwischen Russland and China heute in Rubel et Yuan abgewickelt werden. It is possible that a new philosophy will be developed, with the dollar and the financial domination of the West.

3:44 a.m.: A Russian Angriff in Ostukraine is an Angaben of the Ukrainian Roten Kreuzes in the Office of the Life Support Organization. It is hosted in a cultural center in the town of Kurachowe in the Donezk region, such as the Rote Kreuz mitteilte. Keiner der Mitarbeiter ou Freiwilligen sei verletzt worden. The organization is headed by the Verurteile Angriffe auf zivile Objekte et humanitarian Organisationen.

2h22: Finland faces acts of sabotage and repression. After the implementation of the Finnish Interior Ministry Lulu Ranne, Russia is behind these new economic influences, which are so dear to Finland and other rich European states.

NATO and the Western general services, which must also notify the Finnish authorities, on behalf of a Reuters social security agent, for a zunehmenden Zahl feindseliger Aktivitäten im euro-atlantischen zone, die sie Russland Zuschreiben. Das Spektrum reicht von wiederholten Cyberangriffen bis hin zu Brandstiftung. Moskau has this Vorwürfe zurück.

“Wir beobachten verschiedene Störaktionen, Sabotageakte und gezielte Sachbeschädigungen. Auch die Migration wird als Instrument eingesetzt”, wrote Ranne vor Journalisten. “Everything that was said in all the Gefühl der Verunsicherung and macht es schwer zu unterscheiden, was wahr ist and was not.” The ministry will strive to ensure the lives of these Vorfälle until now.

0.05 hours: Turkey must be informed of the warnings of the United States regarding the responsibility of the components of the Russian war in the armed conflicts in Russia. The Financial Times took the direction of “three people with the leadership of the Kenntnis de l’Angegenheit”, the Turkey of Wunsch Washington ausfuhr von 48 Kategorien senser Komponenten mit Ursprung den USA, comme etwa Mikrochips, by Russia blocked.

11:55 p.m.: Die Russische Industrie is the head of Massenkonkursen, run by the head of the great Russian restaurants, Chef Sergej Tschemesow. The ongoing industry problem is strong credit management, all investments and some investments made, which can be found on the Russian financial portal RBC. “When we are able to provide higher quality products, the products will be more efficient over the course of a month, and they will naturally be able to reach a maximum temperature of 30 to 40 percent. Other products for the production of these products will be available,” the US leader said. en Konglomerates. Even then, Zinssatz werde der gesamte Gewinn durch die Zinsen aufgefressen. It turns out that financing from the Central Bank of Russia represents a launched “Rekord”. “If we are so aware of this, we will make you benefit from our banking services,” warns chef von Rostec.