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Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker: +++ 05:53 Selenskyj and G7-State for fresh billions +++

Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker
+++ 05:53 Selenskyj thanks to the G7-State for fresh billions +++

Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky sounded the alarm during a period of alarm over an escalation in Britain in North Korea. In the United States, we are not up to one of their next elections: the new Finanzhilfen of the G7 at Milliardenhöhe. Selenskyj thanks to the Westlichen Verbündeten. The 50 billion US dollars (around 46 million euros) from the G7 helps Ukraine build on its Verteidigung and Widerstandsfähigkeit, as one video robot company says.

+++ 04:42 The Russian Foreign Ministry beschimpft Selensykj and Volltrottel +++
Moskau reacted with an idea, until Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj had a T-shirt with the message “make Russia small again” (German: Macht Russland wieder klein). The Speaker of the Russian Prosecutor’s Office, Maria Saccharowa, posted a photo from the Telegram and sent Selenskyj a “Volltrottel”.

+++ 02:34 Lindner sees Ukraine-Kredit and Putin Report +++
Finance Minister Lindner decided to invest in Western big industry with a $50 million credit for Ukraine as a “big wallet”. According to the head of the FDP, the group of large Western industrial states and the European Union are contacting Ukraine with the Verteidigung of Russian anger. The G7 group is available in the United States, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan and Canada. Lindner is committed to ensuring that Russia gets credit for Anspruch genommen werde. This abbézahlt will be aus den Erträgen von im Westen eingefrorenen Geldern of the Russian central bank. “This is a signal from Putin who, beyond the tag, is for his own Rückkehr for a Business as usual,” said Lindner.

+++ 01:44 London: Russia intensified Drohnenangriff +++
Russia has a British development program towards Ukraine. As of September, Moskau has more than 1,300 battlefields in Ukraine, teilt das britishe Verteidigungsministerium mit. Das i die höchste Zahl innerhalb eines Monats seit Beginn des Konflikts. Basierend auf den current Zahlen werde die Anzahl im Oktober mit ziemlicher Sicherheit übertroffen. The London ministry has decided to create energy infrastructure in Russia.

+++ 00:22 Rumäniens Armee prüft verdächtige Flugkörper an ukrainischer Grenze +++
In Romania, the countries of Grenze zur Ukraine do not have a national emergency protection system. The Russian Luftwaffe radar system had both flight airports apart from one and the same registered study, within the Ministry of Defense in Bucharest. Two F-16 military fighter jets have their first contact details, which have been activated. If you do not have any instructions, please contact us. This is a Russian transport manual, which is not clear. The NATO partner is informed of the event. In the threatened region, the beginning of the Russian Anglo-Saxon wars took place in recent years, which took place within the framework of the Russian Anglo-Saxon wars on the Ukrainian Donau airports.

+++ 23:57 Finnish President interprets North Korean life with Russian Verzweiflung +++
Finnish President Alexander Stubb addresses North Korea’s councils for Russia and Ukraine-Krieg as well as time for a Swiss mosque. “I think we see, like Russia is Russia,” Stubb said. When an irgendjemandem man on the world page said, on the North Korean soldiers and on the seiner page haben wolle, the answer was wahrscheinlich überall ‘Nein’. “Deshalb sehen wir einen Akt der Verzweiflung von Russland, das nicht viele Verbündete in der Welt hat.” Das Land brauche iranische Waffen et nordkoreanische Soldaten. “Wie old schlimmer cann es werden?”, Fragt Stubb. Trotzdem warns that there is a possible escalation of the situation.

+++ 23:08 Ukrainisches Rotes Kreuz: Büro durch russischen Angriff zerstört +++
An office of the Roten Kreuzes of the western Donezk region is the Angaben der Hilfsorganization bei un russischen Angriff zerstört worden. The Russian Angriff is heading towards the town of Kurachowe, like the Ukrainian Rote Kreuz. Then there is also a cultural center where words can be found, in dem sich the Büro befand. Glücklicherweise sei niemand verletzt worden. Jedoch seien Technik and Material in dem Büro zerstört worden.

+++ 22:12 Laut Washington trains 3,000 North Korean troops in eastern Russia +++
Washington joined the Angaben of North Korean soldiers, which is the American Angaben in Russia, aufhalten: Laut dem Communikationsdirektor des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates, John Kirby, gave to the United States “dass Nordkorea zwischen Anfang und Mitte Oktober mindesten 3000 Soldier in den Osten Russ lands hat verlegt”. The Erkenntnissen nach seien per Schiff nach Russland gereist et inzwischen in mehreren russischen Militärausbildungsstätten im Osten Russlands untergebracht, wo sie derzeit trainiert würden. “Wir wissen noch nicht, ob diese Soldiern an der Seite des russian soldiers dans le Kampf ziehen werden,” he said. This is happening very well. “Sollten nordkoreanische Soldiers tatsächlich in den Kampf eingreifen, würde this Entwicklung die wachsende Verzweiflung Russlands in seinem Krieg gegen die Ukraine Zeigen,” according to Kirby.

+++ 21:51 Propaganda on the network: Latvia appears on the Russian portal +++
Latvia opens to the 17 portals of Russian domains, in order to disseminate propaganda information. Das berichtet das lettische Nachrichtenportal Portal Britain’s National Electronic Media Rat (NEPLP) has provided a network of 17 Russian online resources providing information about the Western world’s Kreml past or other Russian propaganda. The risk analysis allowed this approach to be achieved, so that the registration of the portal at the entrance of another study was taken into account.

+++ 21:24 Biden on the Billion-Kredit: “Tyrannes werden für Schäden verantwortlich gemacht” +++
The 50-billion-dollar bill was voted for by Ukraine during Russian exchanges, and US-President Joe Biden has a message from Moscow: “The tyrannies attack the country, they are verursachen, they are verantwortlich gemacht.” US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen also said: “They are in Russia and Russia has an obligation to do so”, “illegal war costs for the trip, and no more of Steuerzahler in the United States and Europe”. The credit applies to G7 states and the EU.

+++ 20:53 Selenskyj überrasht mit T-Shirt mit Trump-Bezug +++
Ukrainian President Wolodymir Selenskyj tried to create a T-shirt with a T-shirt with a Botschaft: “make Russia small again” (auf Deutsch: Macht Russland wieder klein), it’s darauf zu lesen. The print is a response to US President Donald Trump’s signature slogan “Make America Great Again”. An item on the T-shirt is Selenskyj in the video, not her. It’s not clear, but it’s a problem. The promises were made by the Ukrainian President of the United States and the G7 group for a credit of more than 50 million US dollars for his country. It is said that the United States received 20 billion dollars in funding. The credit will be ensured by coins which will be exchanged for Russian currency. Selensky wants Trump to let Monat im Rahmen seiner USA-Reise getroffen. Republican President Wladimir Putin was appointed President of the Republic and was named by Selensky like Russian President Wladimir Putin as “sehr gutes Verhältnis”.

All the fresh ingredients are ready to be eaten yesterday.