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Forscher lights up in “Zombie” – Herz von alter Supernova

Chinese and Japanese astronomers have published documents on a recent exotic star explosion in January 1181, which were published in the magazine “The Astrophysical Journal Letters” of the Wissenschafter of the Institute of Science and Technology of Austria (ISTA) in Klosterneuburg (NÖ) and published messages: Dabei Offenbarte sich ein seltsames Gebilde, das einer Pusteblume ähnelt, in deren Mitte sich aine Art “Zombie-Stern” befindet, heißt es seitens des Teams.

Supernova erupts during the year

The supernova was discovered in January 1181, during a half-year war between the new star and the other side of the verschwunden firmament, as in an hour of ISTA hearing. If you do so, the Wahrnehmung will be on the “Gaststern” – and you will see the end of the Rätsel. Behind the research – one of the most recent reference texts, the Journal of Research on Downloadable Documents was published – the team of one of the ISTA professors, Ilaria Caiazzo, and the author of the Tim Cunningham study from the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics” (United States).

Today, in 2021, there are Forscherinnen and Forscher, who lost the supernova in 2013 of the amateur astronomist Dana Patchick who discovered the cosmic name of Nebel “Pa 30” ereignet haben muss. In January 2021, “SN 1181” was identified as a unique explosive object. Caiazzo, Cunningham and his colleagues were enriched during the year of an unexpected trip for the great Gipfel Hawaii that named the diving instrument Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) in this precise geographic region.

Überraschende Daten weisen auf “Zombie-Stern” hin

Die Analyzen der neuen Daten zeigten Überraschendes: Im Zentrum der Reste, die die große thermonukleare Explosion of erlöschenden Sternes – eines sogenannten “Weißen Zwerges” – backlassen hat, findet sich noch ein Teil der Ursprungsstruktur. This is actually a game of art besondere von Sternenexplosionen namens “Typ lax” handelte, without the ganze Gebilde gesprengt wird. Übrig blieb somit un “Zombie-Stern”, like the Wissenschafter in the Aussendung ausdrückten.

Pusteblume around the world

In a single operation, a primary cosmological structure was established, the image of the device is now at the start of the imminent detonation period. The new picture has been shown and the images are shown. Vom Zentrum des verbliebenen Nebels has almost more weapons in all riches, as are the images and 3D animations created by the Wissenschaftern.

These living weapons are used when the explosion is longer, sending the material with a rotation speed of 1,000 kilometers for one second for “Zombie-Stern”. “Das bedeutet, das das ausgeworfene Material seit der Explosion weder verlangsamt nochleunigt wurde. “An hand of gemessenen Geschwindigkeiten konnten wir die Explosion fast Genau auf das Jahr 1181 zurück datetieren,” Cunningham said.

And this is not the case: the foreign weapon beyond the limits of the cosmopolitan weapon has set up a carrying bag at the vanguard level for several months of hunting. The asymmetry is due to wisdom after the fact that the truth is really an asymmetrical explosion, auf die auch die verbliebenen Stern-Reste zurückzuführen within dürften.