
The Lake Committee makes recommendations to the Council regarding vigilance

The Greenville Lake Committee met Monday evening to continue discussions about the use of visibility devices on Governor Bond Lake.

The session lasted over three hours and was attended by many citizens.

Finally, the commission passed, by a divided vote, a motion to submit recommendations to the Greenville City Council.

The motion was seconded by Gary Zurliene, Craig Moser and Jim Tarasuik, and opposed by Kyle Smith and Gary Trudell.

The first recommendation is to designate a special area where wake-up aids can be used between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

The Enhanced Wake Activity Zone will be located on the south side of the pool, 100 feet wide by 1,000 feet long. It is recommended that the use of wake activity devices not be permitted on Memorial Day, July 4, 5, 6, and Labor Day.

It was proposed to the Council that wave amplification devices be defined as ballasts, bladders, fat bags, tabs and fins. These devices would be permitted to produce amplified waves within the established Amplified Wave Activity Zone and prohibited for use in areas outside the established zone.

The next city council meeting will be held on August 13.