
Delivery plays a key role in the customer experience

The delivery of products and services can impact consumer behavior, from converting purchasing behavior to customer loyalty, according to nShift’s report, “Beyond the box — changing deliveries into a business-building experience.”

According to a press release about the report’s findings, providing a range of delivery options during checkout can increase conversions by 20%, and when e-commerce delivery is managed well, two out of three customers will make repeat purchases.

Additionally, customers are much more likely to read emails about deliveries and returns than other retailer communications, and 24-25 year olds are the age group most likely to abandon online purchases due to a lack of convenient delivery options.

“Customer experience has never been more important to e-commerce. When retailers stop viewing delivery as a world of boxes and embrace the possibilities that the delivery experience offers, they open up a world of potential,” said Mattias Gredenhag, CTO at nShift, in a press release.