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Demokratiebildung – FDP-Fraktion will Ethikunterricht ab 1. Klasse – Bildung

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – The FDP faction transmitted false news to the Kampf and improved the democratization of schools in the country. Ethnic society was created by the first class, according to Fraction Political Speech Timm Kern in Stuttgart. Schon Erstklässler must have the möglichkeit haben, in den Ethikunterricht zu gehen, wen sie pas den Confessionsunterricht besuchten. “Hier wird viel zu wenig gehandelt durch die vert-schwarze Landesregierung,” criticizes Kern. The Insgesamt must be based on democratization and economic policy for the management of schools, that is what the FDP says.

The Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE) takes charge of ethics management for cleaning products. Werteerziehung et Demokratiebildung seien aber in erster Linie gesellschaftliche Aufgaben. “We can help you learn whether your personal life and time are the best, and these services are intended to help you,” said VBE-Landesvorsitzende Gerhard Brand. “We are not in a position to do that because we have serious issues arising, but we are simply and the schools are delegated. »

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