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Nachholbedarf – Deutschland braucht 400 Billion Euro für Infrastruktur – Wirtschaft

Frankfurt/Main (Afp) – Marode Brücken, sanierungsbedürftige Straßen, Funklöcher: Deutschland hat Nachholbedarf bei der Infrastruktur – wie zuletzt der Einsturz der Carolabrücke in Dresden Zeigte. A new study by renowned energy saver Lars Feld has obtained the average price of highways, railways and energy infrastructure amounting to 400 million euros in recent years. The Gesamtbedarf lasted until now, he is in analysis and died in Frankfurt. Denn Infrastrukturinvestitionen in Deutschland würden nicht systematisch erfasst.

“Deutschlands Infrastruktur lebt fast nur noch von ihrer Substanz,” said Feld, from the University of Freiburg and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), responsible for studies in the Union Investment fund administration. “Domestic investments are no longer lasting than the best and safest. » Hans Joachim Reinke, head of Union Investment, launched a functional infrastructure on the basis of a global company and a global stand in Germany.

Investments under Schnitt international

Based on the Angaben of the Bundesverkehrsministeriums which is within the framework of the investment study for the road infrastructure of the Bundes – also motorways and federal roads – for the month of 2025 to 2028 with a cost of more than 57 billion d ‘euros. The train costs 63 million euros over time. And for energy infrastructure, long-term investments must be financed within the framework of energy development of on- and offshore projects to the tune of 270 million euros.

Zugleich habe Deutschland Nachholbedarf: 2022 betrug demnach die Investitionsquote von Bund, Ländern und Gemeinden zusammen 2.6 Prozent des realen Bruttoinlandsprodukts. Damit Liege Deutschland etwa ein Prozentpunkt under dem Schnitt der OECD-Länder.

Area: Private investors can help you

A list of private investors has joined forces with Feld – and the Infrastrukturfonds. In Germany, there is an organized private infrastructure company, and the state is responsible for Autobahn GmbH. “When these management companies have the best clean credit or high credit skills, they can present attractive management models, as well as investment objects for the invested funds,” Feld said. When the energy consumption is reduced to the Netz-Infrastrukturgesellschaft, the state of the infrastructure is the end of the network and in the future it is invested.

This is what is happening, the financial director of infrastructure aufzustellen, according to Union-Investment-Chief Reinke. Fund management companies can use one of the most interesting games. “Denn als Kapitalsammelstelle bringen wir das vorhandene Geld dahin, wo es eingesetzt werden sollte. » Investments in Infrastruktur könnten helfen, Vermögen breiter anzulegen, warb er. “We currently have private investments in infrastructure projects at the management level of a theme, and we are in the most promising final months. »

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