
MACAU DAILY TIMES 澳門每日時報Hengqin encourages e-commerce development in Macau

THe The Guangdong-Macao Hengqin Deep Cooperation Zone has put forward a comprehensive set of policies to support the development of cross-border e-commerce industries, with particular emphasis on assistance to Macao-funded enterprises.

Support measures include a range of incentives, including subsidies of up to RMB 100 million for qualified e-commerce demonstration parks and other e-commerce-related activities, to support the coordinated development of Macao and Hengqin.

China has set up a network of national e-commerce demonstration parks to support the development of the e-commerce industry. These designated parks receive government subsidies and policy support to develop e-commerce infrastructure, attract e-commerce enterprises and promote innovation.

For example, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, there is an Alibaba-backed Xiaoshan E-commerce Industrial Park that provides office space, logistics facilities and training programs for e-commerce startups.

Similarly, the Guangzhou E-Commerce Industrial Park in Guangdong Province offers financial incentives, logistics centers and shared services to develop the e-commerce ecosystem.

Demonstration parks help concentrate e-commerce resources, promote the adoption of new technologies, and enable small businesses to benefit from the benefits of e-commerce.

“These new rules aim to create a thriving cross-border e-commerce ecosystem in the cooperation zone, leveraging Macao’s international strengths and its role as a gateway to Portuguese-speaking countries,” a Hengqin spokesman said.

Under the support measures, demonstration parks can receive one-time subsidies of up to RMB 100 million, based on 30% investment in fixed assets.

Growth model parks are eligible for one-time support of up to RMB 20 million, based on 20% of their investment.

To further strengthen the industry, the policy also provides annual operating subsidies of up to 20 million yuan for leading demonstration parks and 5 million RMB for developing parks.

In addition to park-level incentives, the measures are aimed at improving the live broadcast e-commerce industry chain. Subsidies of up to RMB 3 million will be offered to build live broadcast e-commerce bases, and support will be provided to attract leading online live broadcast brokerage agencies and outstanding presenters to the cooperation zone.

To cultivate talent, the policy encourages enterprises to work with universities in Macao and mainland China to provide e-commerce training. Macao youth who complete the training and join enterprises in the cooperation zone can receive subsidies of up to RMB 4,000.

It is believed that e-commerce clusters and leading enterprises with international competitive advantages drive the development of the real economy.

The construction of a cross-border e-commerce demonstration park and the promotion of e-commerce strategies will improve the training of e-commerce talents and promote the coordinated development of the two regions. Nadia Shaw