
Senegal prepares for public policy reform | APAnews

In a recent speech to the Cabinet, President Faye outlined his vision for the second half of 2024. He emphasised the key role of “bold reform” in public policy, alongside accountability and transparency.

The focus on reforms aims to create the foundations for “sustainable conditions” based on democratic principles and a strong rule of law across all sectors – economic, social, environmental and cultural.

President Faye stressed the importance of actively listening to the Senegalese people and anticipating their needs. He called for the development of a government communications strategy that is coordinated, clear and persuasive, supporting a more engaged society.

A potential obstacle to these plans is the current dispute between the government and the National Assembly. The recently reinstated position of prime minister, currently held by Ousmane Sonko, requires the presentation of a General Political Statement (GPD) to the General Assembly.

But disagreements over outdated parliamentary rules have stalled the process, with Prime Minister Sonko threatening to bypass the Assembly if the rules are not updated, while President Faye seeks a solution.

President Faye reportedly met with Assembly Speaker Amadou Mame Diop to discuss the legislation controversy. He also urged Prime Minister Sonko to continue presenting the DPG to the Assembly.

These events underline the need for coordinated action to overcome the current impasse and implement the promised reforms.

While President Faye’s statements paint a picture of hope, questions remain. The success of the reforms will depend on effective implementation, navigating parliamentary complexities and gaining public trust.

The coming months will be crucial as Senegal embarks on an ambitious path of public policy reform.
