
Dorchester School District Two Board clarifies cell phone usage for new school year

DORCHESTER COUNTY, SC (WCSC) – The Dorchester Two School District Board of Trustees met Monday evening to discuss and vote on several important issues for families preparing to start the new school year.

One of the most significant involved the use of personal electronic devices, not only cell phones and smartwatches but also school district-owned devices, to ensure the learning environment remained free from disruptions and protected student privacy.

According to the new policy, “Electronic devices must not be turned on or visible during the school day and should be stored according to school guidelines while on school grounds between student arrival and the dismissal bell.

Per the policy, a personal electronic device is defined as any device that a student has in their possession that communicates electronically, sends, receives, stores, plays, or displays voice, images, and/or text data or communications. This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones and smartphones, music and media players, personal gaming devices, tablets, laptops, and personal digital assistants.

“Unauthorized use of a personal electronic device may include, but is not limited to, taking pictures or recordings without permission, cheating, harassing or intimidating, use during emergency drills, use during unauthorized times, or use for illegal activities,” the policy states. “A student found in possession of a personal electronic device in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline in accordance with the administrative regulations of the JICJ-R and/or JICDA and JICDA-R.”

The district states that violations of this policy may result in the confiscation of the device and all of its components. Students are also not allowed to delete history or remove the battery, SIM card or any other part of the device before turning it over to a school official.

Hours and rules are listed below (can be found in the JICJ-R regulations).

  • Primary school students (kindergarten through fifth grade) may possess personal electronic devices while on school property and on school-sponsored transportation, provided such devices are not visible, in use, or activated and are kept in the “off” position throughout the school day. Students must store such devices in a backpack or other out-of-sight secure place throughout the school day.
    • Hours of permitted use of primary school after the school day bell
  • High school students (sixth through eighth grades) may have personal electronic devices on school property as long as they are not visible, in use, or activated and are kept in the “off” position throughout the school day and on school-sponsored transportation. Secondary school students must store their personal electronic devices in a pocket, purse, backpack, or other out-of-sight, secure place.
    • Permitted use times for secondary school students include use of school-sponsored transportation and after the dismissal bell.
  • High school students (ninth through twelfth grades) may have personal electronic devices, as described above, on school property, provided such devices are not visible, in use, or activated and are kept in the “off” position throughout the school day. Secondary school principals may modify the definition of the school day as necessary. If the principal modifies the definition of the school day to allow secondary school students to use personal electronic devices during times other than those permitted, the principal must include such information in the communication to parents/guardians/students.
    • Permitted use times for secondary schools are as follows:
      • About school sponsored transportation
      • Before the morning bell that begins the school day
      • After the school day bell rings
      • During Individual Learning Time (ILT)
      • Other dates approved by the director

To learn more about today’s meeting and watch the slide presentation, click here, or click here to watch the recorded district meeting.

EDITOR’S NOTE: An earlier version of this story relied on the school district’s policy, which has not yet been updated on its website.