
5 Productivity Moves That Will Help You Earn More as a Freelancer

For many, freelancing is the preferred way to make a living. This type of work can provide more flexibility, including control over the projects you take on, the money you make, and your schedule. However, building and running a business takes hard work.

Changing the way you do things can help you be more productive. Here are some ways to increase your productivity and increase your income from self-employment.

1. Reduce distractions

When you can focus on your tasks, you can get more done and produce high-quality work. You can’t control every distraction, but there are ways to reduce external distractions so you can focus on your work.

When I’m working on an important project, I like to use the “do not disturb” feature on my phone. I can focus more on my work by hiding app notifications. I also sometimes use a social media blocker on my desktop to stop myself from mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds. Finding ways to reduce distractions around you can lead to greater productivity.

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2. Use software to stay organized

Small business software is valuable. While you can probably do most of your work without it, investing in solutions can help you better manage your workflow and become more organized. For example, freelance writers can use project management software to better plan their workweek and meet deadlines.

If you are new to freelancing, don’t assume that software is out of your budget. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, as many platforms offer affordable prices for individual business owners. Investing in an inexpensive software solution can help you increase your productivity.

3. Take breaks

It’s easy to forget about breaks when you’re self-employed and don’t work in a traditional office. But it’s important to give your mind and body time to rest. Forcing yourself to push through work without a break can lead to frustration.

A short walk or quick chore between tasks can give your brain a break. Plus, you’ll likely be more productive when it’s time to sit down and work.

4. Stick to a routine

Freelancing offers flexibility, but there are still benefits to establishing and sticking to a routine. Establishing a schedule that works best for you can lead to better productivity.

For example, working weekday hours is ideal for my lifestyle because I feel more energized and focused. It’s also easier to communicate with my clients with this schedule. Adjusting your schedule and routine can be valuable if you’re struggling to be your most productive.

5. Group similar tasks together

How you organize your work can also make a difference. While I’m great at jumping from one project to another, I sometimes have trouble juggling the types of tasks I’m doing. I get distracted easily and waste more time if I try to jump between tasks too often.

Some days are strictly writing days, while others are editing and revising days because I can be more productive by grouping similar tasks together. If you find yourself distracted by juggling between tasks, this tip can help you get more organized.

Productivity can be a financial win

Don’t assume that the way you currently handle your day-to-day business is the only way to work. You can increase your overall productivity by finding small ways to improve your workflow and organization. Taking these steps can pay off financially for your business. If you’re looking to boost your productivity and your small bank balance, try these tips.