
Serhiy Tokarev highlights Ukraine’s technological competences at the Ukraine Tech Summit in London

On June 12, 2024, the Ukraine Tech Summit was held in London. It brought together representatives of leading technology companies, government officials, and investors from Ukraine and the UK. Sponsored by Google for Startups and investment group Roosh, the major event highlighted the growing influence of the Ukrainian tech sector on the international stage. Serhiy Tokarev, tech investor and co-founder of Roosh, shared his observations from the summit on Facebook, emphasizing the key role of Ukrainian tech expertise in Europe.

The summit aimed to rejuvenate the Ukrainian tech sector, facilitate global market integration, and foster international cooperation. Through panel discussions and startup pitch sessions, participants explored the potential of the Ukrainian tech ecosystem and the significant investments required to support Ukrainian innovation. Serhiy Tokarev emphasized the necessity of these efforts and pointed out that despite the ongoing war, Ukrainian tech talent continues to develop and innovate.

Ukraine has established itself as a key player in the UK tech market, with a growing number of Ukrainian professionals contributing to UK tech companies. Vladyslav Bazikalov, founder of the Ukraine Tech Summit, highlighted the importance of investing in Ukraine to maintain economic stability and promote growth in the tech sector during challenging times. The summit also highlighted how Ukraine’s technological resilience benefits the UK, with collaboration spanning a range of areas from SaaS to climate and defence technology.

During a panel discussion on the global tech ecosystem, speakers noted that the total value of the Ukrainian startup ecosystem has reached 28 billion. Mike Butcher, editor of TechCrunch, praised the quality of Ukrainian startups, but noted the need for a stronger product vision and go-to-market strategy. He highlighted the long-standing cooperation between British entrepreneurs and Ukrainian tech talent, emphasizing the mutual benefits of such partnerships.

Serhiy Tokarev addressed the challenges of international cooperation in times of war. He highlighted the restrictive policies of global technology companies that prevent them from cooperating with companies in conflict zones. Tokarev argued that this policy needs to be revised, as Ukrainian specialists have shown remarkable adaptability and resilience, continuing to develop startups despite ongoing shelling and power outages. He emphasized the importance of sharing success stories to attract more investors and partners to the Ukrainian market.

Michal Kramarz, head of Google for Startups at CCE, noted that Ukraine has a unique advantage over European countries in terms of implementing new technologies. The relatively unregulated Ukrainian market allows testing various technological solutions before potential integration with the EU. Kramarz announced the inclusion of nine Ukrainian startups in the Google for Startups Ukraine Support Fund, a $10 million initiative in partnership with Ukraine’s largest accelerator, 1991. The fund provides $100,000 in grants and expert assistance from Google, supporting further innovation in the Ukrainian technology sector.

These startups include Ailand Systems, which is developing intelligent autonomous drones for detecting mines, and Carbominer, which has created technology to capture carbon dioxide from the air. Other participants include BazaIT, an IT recruitment platform, and Clearly, a psychotherapist search service. These startups are examples of the diverse and innovative solutions emerging in Ukraine, reinforcing its position as a key player in the European technology ecosystem.

Ukraine Tech Summit in London showcased the resilience and innovation of the Ukrainian tech sector, despite the ongoing war. Serhiy Tokarev’s remarks underscored the importance of international cooperation and investment in Ukrainian technology. The event highlighted how Ukraine’s unique experience and technological advances make it an invaluable partner in the European tech landscape. The summit not only showcased the strength of the Ukrainian tech ecosystem, but also called for continued support and cooperation to ensure its growth and success.

Source: Business NewsWire