
“We will not allow a few people to benefit at the expense of the many”

“We will not allow a few people to benefit while many suffer,” Prime Minister Robert Abela said on Sunday.

Abela was giving a telephone interview to Radio ONE, where he devoted most of the time to explaining recent decisions to reject applications from foreign workers in sectors where there is no need for more foreign workers.

Abela this week said the country has enough drivers and couriers with Y license plates and does not need more workers in those positions.

On Sunday, Abela explained that the decision was made after analyzing the local labor market. “Only workers that the market needs should be in Malta,” he said.

However, he warned that the decision did not mean Malta did not need foreign workers, noting that sectors such as healthcare and aged care were dependent on the supply of migrant workers.

Speaking about future decisions, Abela promised his government would make the necessary “ambitious” decisions, though he gave no indication of what that would look like.

Abela also warned individuals and companies attempting to circumvent these security measures by submitting fraudulent applications, saying they too will face denials.

The Prime Minister said the measures would now encourage employers to look after and invest in foreign workers, as they would no longer be able to fire one employee and hire two more.

Abela also touched on the issue of tables and chairs, emphasising that “a few cannot benefit at the expense of all.”

He recalled the enforcement action taken at Victoria Square on the island of Gozo, saying that authorities were currently checking a number of permits for setting up tables and chairs in various locations.

Abela said the government will continue to support and respect businesses, adding that he also expects respect from them.