
Four-Storey Houses Need Neighbor Approval, DTCP Sets New Standards Gurugram News

GURUGRAM, July 27, 2024 – The Department of Town and Country Planning (DTCP) in Gurugram has introduced groundbreaking regulations for stilt parking and four-storey houses, ushering in a new era of community-centric urban development.

Key Highlights of New Gurugram Construction Rules:

  • Neighbor consent now mandatory for new constructions
  • Four-storey buildings permitted on 10-meter wide roads
  • Basement construction limited to plots of 250 square meters or larger
  • New digital application process for map approval

DTCP Chief Secretary Arun Gupta unveiled these transformative regulations, aimed at fostering harmonious neighborhood growth while accommodating urban expansion. The new rules prioritize community well-being by requiring prospective builders to obtain No Objection Certificates (NOCs) from adjacent properties before initiating construction.

Detailed Provisions of Gurugram Construction Rules

Four Storey Construction

Four-storey buildings are now permissible in colonies with 10-meter wide roads, provided the original layout plan allowed three floors with stilt parking. This change offers homeowners increased vertical space while maintaining neighborhood aesthetics.

Existing Four-Storey Structures

Owners of previously constructed four-storey buildings have a 60-day window to apply for Occupation Certificates (OCs) under Haryana Building Code regulations. This provision aims to regularize existing structures and ensure compliance with safety standards.

Neighbor Objects

If a neighbor raises concerns, builders must leave a mandatory 1.8-meter space. This rule promotes privacy and prevents overcrowding. However, it doesn’t apply if all adjacent plots are vacant, allowing for flexibility in developing areas.

Basement Construction

Basement construction is limited to plots of 250 square meters or larger, subject to neighbors’ approval. This restriction balances the desire for additional space with the need to maintain structural integrity in densely populated areas.

Streamlined Application Process

The DTCP is launching a new online portal for map approvals and OC applications, simplifying the bureaucratic process and increasing transparency.

Impact of New Construction Rules on Stakeholders


The new regulations have sparked diverse reactions among Gurugram residents. Rajesh Kumar, a local property owner, expressed concern: “While I appreciate the focus on community input, this could potentially delay my construction plans and increase costs.” Conversely, long-time resident Sunita Reddy welcomed the change: “These new rules give us a voice in shaping our neighborhood’s future. It’s a positive step towards sustainable urban development.”


Real estate developers are adapting to the new landscape. Vikram Malhotra, a prominent developer, noted: “Initially, these rules may slow down projects. However, they’re likely to result in more thoughtfully designed neighborhoods and potentially increase property values ​​in the long run.”

Urban Planners

Urban planning expert Priya Sharma commended the new regulations: “This policy shift places community welfare at the forefront of urban development. It’s a progressive move that could serve as a model for other rapidly growing cities in India.”

Implementation and Future Outlook

The DTCP has committed to closely monitoring the implementation of these new rules. Officials have indicated a willingness to make necessary adjustments to ensure the regulations effectively serve Gurugram’s residents and align with broader urban development goals. To facilitate a smooth transition, the DTCP is organizing workshops and information sessions for homeowners, developers, and architects. These events aim to clarify the new procedures and address concerns from various stakeholders.

As Gurugram continues to evolve as a major hub in the National Capital Region, these construction rules are expected to play a crucial role in shaping its urban landscape. The emphasis on community consent and sustainable development could potentially set a new standard for urban planning across India.

For more information on the new construction rules or to apply for map approval, residents and developers can visit the official DTCP Gurugram website at