
3Dtracking, Queclink present comprehensive fleet telematics and video solution

3Dtracking, a leading global provider of white label telematics platforms, and Queclink Wireless Solutions, a global leader in telematics technologies, jointly announced that they have joined forces to develop a comprehensive solution combining fleet telematics and video.

3Dtracking has integrated Queclink’s CV200 intelligent dash cam with its cloud telematics software platform to create a CAN bus-connected dash cam system with advanced video recording, driver monitoring and tracking capabilities.

5G Industrial Metaverse
5G Industrial Metaverse

The CV200 is a 4G dashcam that delivers fleet telematics and video functionality in one device, combining AI capabilities with the ability to add a selection of secondary cameras and integrate with the vehicle’s CAN bus system. With access to full tracking data, this comprehensive solution offers a viable and highly effective alternative to the dual telematics systems that most fleets are currently deploying.

Queclink’s CAN100 BLE adapter will be used to capture and share critical vehicle CAN bus information via the CV200 via Bluetooth, including odometer, fuel level, engine speed and temperature, and RPM. As a result, 3Dtracking’s telematics platform will be able to calculate useful operational information such as accurate fuel consumption, vehicle operating costs, and driver behavior scores.

Noam Cimand, CEO at 3Dtracking

We push the boundaries of telematics by seamlessly integrating with the latest and most advanced hardware technologies to deliver measurable fleet improvements. Our partnership with Queclink means we can leverage their proven expertise to develop this integrated camera solution that achieves all the benefits of fleet telematics and video.

Vernon Bonser, UK Sales Director, Queclink Wireless Solutions

Vehicle camera tracking has traditionally been poor, but with the high quality of our location and video data capture, we can see our single system solution becoming a popular choice for fleets. Working closely with 3Dtracking, we have integrated proven hardware and software to create the most comprehensive fleet technology solution of its kind. We have even gone so far as to incorporate our Stolen Vehicle Recovery (SVR) functionality into the camera system to make the proposition even more compelling.