
Consumers still want to maintain relationships with their favorite clothing brands even if they can’t afford to buy them, new research from Centra shows

53% of respondents say that even though they are currently buying less from their favorite brands, they are still engaging with them by looking at new products, brand content or following them on social media

Coats and jackets (40%), jeans (37%) and formal shoes (25%) are the top three fashion items that consumers will prioritise purchasing as their financial situation improves

According to new research from Centra, a specialist e-commerce platform for fashion and lifestyle brands, over half (55%) of UK consumers still shop with their favourite fashion brands even if they can’t currently buy them or don’t do so in person. They intend to shop with those brands again once their financial situation improves.

Original research of 1,000 UK consumers reveals that after more than two years of the cost of living crisis hitting disposable income, 64% of consumers are buying fewer fashion, clothing and lifestyle products. Instead of investing in new fashion items, a quarter (25%) are buying more second-hand or second-hand items, while a further quarter (25%) are cutting back on fashion spending, opting for cheaper items or accessories to freshen up their wardrobe.

While shoppers’ spending signals can make retailers think they’ve become lapsed customers, 53% say that despite spending less from brands they love, they’re still engaging with them by looking at new products, watching or reading brand content, and following them on social media. Another 23% say they’re staying loyal to their favorite brands despite spending less, which is almost a third (29%) of Millennials—underscoring the importance of investing in and retaining customer relationships.

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With the GfK Consumer Confidence Index rising by one point to -13 in July 2024, Centra’s research highlights the items UK consumers are keen to buy. The top five items UK consumers will prioritise buying as their financial situation improves are coats or jackets (40%), jeans (37%), formal footwear (25%), sportswear (23%) and watches or jewellery (22%).

Martin Jensen, CEO of Centra, commented: “The data clearly shows the power of brand equity as a driver of customer loyalty, and UK brands need to continue to focus on nurturing relationships with existing customers to ensure they return to shopping as the economy recovers – and that means investing in customer engagement.”

“Fashion and lifestyle brands need to work with a specialist e-commerce platform partner that can provide the foundational capabilities to build a store that best suits the brand and its customers’ needs, allowing it to focus on everything from product design to brand content and customer experiences that reinforce the unique brand experience to drive long-term loyalty and, ultimately, sales as economic conditions improve.”

For more information on what UK consumers expect from their favourite fashion and lifestyle brands and retailers, download Centra’s latest report – What UK shoppers expect from fashion brands in 2024.

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