
Santa Cruz | Meeting on additional housing units scheduled for next week – Santa Cruz Sentinel

SANTA CRUZ — To introduce and gather feedback on local policies governing accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and explore potential updates, the City of Santa Cruz will host an online community meeting on Aug. 15 from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

The meeting will be held via Zoom and will discuss current state and local laws governing the creation and use of accessory dwelling units, also known as senior units, as well as potential changes to city policy that city staff are currently working on.

At the meeting, city officials plan to ask questions and hear from community members about potential changes to Santa Cruz’s current ADU regulations, which include eliminating the owner-occupancy requirement for all existing ADUs and allowing ADUs to be sold separately as condominiums.

Currently, ADUs are permitted on any property that is zoned for residential or mixed-use development in conjunction with an existing or proposed residential use. Granny units can be created by building or placing a new structure on the property, building an addition to an existing home, and converting an existing (legal) structure, such as a garage or workshop, into a converted ADU.

On lots with a single-family home, property owners can build one new ADU, one ADU for remodeling, and one junior ADU, which is an ADU and may not have a full bathroom or kitchen, among other criteria. According to city ordinance, a property containing a single-family home with an ADU is not eligible to participate in the city’s short-term vacation rental program because the ADU is intended to provide housing for a family member, household member, or tenant

If the lot contains multifamily buildings, such as an apartment complex or duplex, two new ADUs and at least one conversion ADU are permitted. Conversion ADUs on multifamily properties may only be created in buildings or spaces that are not used as utility space, such as a storage area or parking lot. Properties with multifamily buildings and ADUs are eligible to participate in the city’s short-term vacation rental program.

If the property is located outside the Coastal Zone, which is approximately 1,000 yards inland from the ocean, no parking is required for the ADU, and any parking spaces removed to accommodate the ADU do not need to be replaced. One off-street parking space is required within the zone, and parking and replacement requirements may vary by location.

Under current city regulations, ADUs require a building permit and inspection. There is no public hearing or discretionary planning permission required for ADUs, and permits cannot be appealed.

More information and a link to the meeting can be found at

if you go

What: Community Meeting on Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulations

When: 5:30-7:00 p.m., August 15th

Where: Meeting on the Zoom platform

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