
Cumberland and Perry County Career Education Executive Director Resigns

Cumberland Perry Area Career and Technical Center has accepted the resignation of Executive Director Justin Bruhn.

Big Spring School Board Chairman John Wardle, who serves on the center’s Operating Committee, said Bruhn resigned from his position in June.

The committee is comprised of members from all 13 school districts that send students to Cumberland Perry Area Career & Technical Center.

Wardle said Bruhn has accepted another job elsewhere and the center is in the process of searching for his replacement.

While officials search for Bruhn’s successor, the center plans to rebid an expansion project to increase its capacity. The lowest bids received earlier this summer were about $4.5 million higher than the architects’ estimates.

Wardle expects bids to reopen in the coming weeks and hopes to be able to provide more information about the project next month.

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“They plan to re-tender the project, maybe get more bidders, maybe slightly tweak some of the materials that could be used, but still keep the same size and scope of the project,” he said.

As the Sentinel reported in June, the project includes construction of two buildings that will house the center’s auto collision, logistics/warehousing management and advanced manufacturing technology programs.

Other programs would complement existing facilities. The expansion is expected to enroll an additional 278 students.

The project budget is about $23.5 million, including about $19.1 million for construction costs, but the lowest bid for construction was about $23.64 million, the article reports.

Initially, the plan was to start work this summer and complete it for the 2026-2027 school year, but that timeline could be flexible, Bruhn said in June.

Although 13 school districts provided funding to complete the project, he didn’t expect to turn to those schools for additional support.

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Maddie Seiler is a reporter for The Sentinel and who covers Carlisle and Newville. You can contact her at [email protected] and follow her on Twitter at @byMaddieSei