
Instagram is adopting a “photo dump”

Instagram is introducing the ability for users to add up to 20 photos or videos to a feed carousel as the platform embraces the “photo dump” trend. In 2017, Instagram added the ability to post up to 10 photos or videos in a single swipeable carousel post. Now, you can post twice as much content.

As Instagram gained popularity, the app focused on getting that one perfect photo to share with followers. Over the years, the idea of ​​“photo dumps” gained popularity as users began posting a collection of photos and videos in a carousel format rather than stressing over choosing a single image.

By doubling the number of photos and videos you can share in your carousel, Instagram is embracing photo snaps for the end of summer. The update is reminiscent of when, at the height of the platform’s popularity, you could upload an entire album of photos from your summer vacation to Facebook.

It’s worth noting that this change brings Instagram closer to TikTok’s carousel feature, which allows users to post up to 35 photos in a single post.

While some users may be excited about the update, others may see it as overkill as Instagram continues to move away from the simple photo-sharing app it was a decade ago. Not everyone will be interested in swiping through more than 10 slides of a user’s post, especially when the app is already packed with so many other content formats like reels, stories, and notes.

The introduction of the extended limit comes as no surprise, as Instagram was spotted testing it back in March.

Thursday’s announcement comes a day after Instagram revealed it would make “Views” a primary metric across all of its formats, including Reels, Live, Photos, Carousels, and Stories. The change means creators will be able to track the same metric across all of their content.