
How to protect your mental health

Protect your peace, people.

Mercury retrograde, the most maligned of all astrological transits, brings with it its fair share of emotional tension. Since the planet rules mental processing and verbal exchange, the retrograde cycle can bring serious fogginess and malaise.

To help us get through this month with a little more grace and less cortisol, we turn to the calming influence and insights of Shi Xing Mi (Walter Gjergja)—a 32nd generation Shaolin lay monk.

Walter Gjerja shares his tips on how to stay calm during Mercury’s turbulent transit.

In addition to being a monk — and a very muscular one at that — Gjerja is also a philosopher, advisor, strategist, coach, speaker, author, and co-founder of the training app Zing Coach.

His mission: to share Shaolin-inspired philosophy and provide “ancient wisdom for modern times.”

Gjerja tells Post, “Many people experience heightened anxiety and stress during Mercury retrograde, which can manifest physically with headaches, muscle tension, and fatigue. This can change sleep patterns, exacerbate stress, and weaken the immune system.”

To become a calm warrior, keeping your head high and your mind healthy in this crazy and uncertain astrological weather, Gjerja recommends taking the following steps.

1. Practice mindfulness and meditation

Meditation becomes a necessity as Mercury begins to slow down and act. Vadim Guzhva –

The benefits of sitting still and focusing on something are widely known.

Studies show that a daily meditation practice can reduce anxiety, improve overall health, and increase social connections, all of which have beneficial effects on both body and mind that are especially helpful during stressful retrograde transits.

Gjergja explains: “Mercury retrograde can cause confusion and increased stress levels. To avoid this, incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine. Spend at least 10 to 15 minutes a day in a quiet place, focusing on your breathing and grounding. This technique can help you calm your mind and feel less anxious.”

Be still, breathe deeply, and enjoy the stability that comes with sticking with it.

2. Eat well to survive

Eating whole, seasonal produce provides the body with energy and stability in the face of the stressors that accompany this time of year. Kitreel –

Eating healthily means living well, regardless of astrological influences, but maintaining a balanced diet is especially important during this month’s retrograde.

Gjergja explains: “During Mercury retrograde, you may experience stomach problems due to increased stress. A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is a priority. Avoid processed foods and coffee, which can increase anxiety and stomach problems.”

Gjerji’s advice echoes research that has linked processed foods to depression, lower sex drive and shorter life expectancy.

Evidence also suggests that eating fatty foods before or during a stressful event, such as a retrograde, not only slows down your brain and heart function, but also actively slows your body’s recovery process from stress.

Alternatively, eating foods rich in polyphenols, complex carbohydrates, and omega-3 fatty acids can actively reduce the impact of stress on the body.

3. Boost your immunity

Boost your immunity and boost your vibrations with a daily dose of antioxidants travel book –

A good defense is your best offense, especially in the face of the attacks and attempts of Mercury retrograde.

Gjergja suggests including immune-boosting foods like citrus fruits, berries, almonds, and leafy greens in your diet to ward off illness and stress. A fuel for the fight, if you will.

He tells The Post: “Consider taking vitamins C, D and zinc to boost your immune system. Taking care of your immunity keeps you healthy and resilient.”

4. Keep it moving

Moving your body calms your mind. Monkey Business –

As the planets begin to align, physical activity is a great way to strengthen your body and calm your mind.

Gjergja explains: “Gentle exercise is key to maintaining mental and physical health, especially during Mercury retrograde. Gentle workouts like yoga, walking or stretching will keep your body moving without overexerting yourself. These hobbies can improve your mood.”

To increase endorphins and get rosy cheeks, try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

While movement should be mandatory, struggle and effort are optional. Gjergja urges: “Listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard.”

5. Limit screen time and consider a digital detox

Turn off technology to open yourself to true communion in this retrograde cycle. molenira –

Because Mercury rules both technology and communications, our devices often become a source of anger, resentment, and irritation when the planet begins to retrograde.

Gjergja advises: “During Mercury retrograde, try to limit your exposure to screens, especially before bed. Take regular breaks from digital devices and spend time outdoors or engage in offline activities.”

Smell the flowers, look a stranger in the eye, walk barefoot, be more human.

If you have trouble putting technology aside, Gjergja recommends the 20-20-20 rule: “Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds to reduce eye strain. A digital detox can help reset your mind and body, improving your overall well-being.”

For more tips on going digital, check out our guide.

Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Stars

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and unabashedly reports on planetary configurations and their impact on each sign of the zodiac. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, popular culture, and personal experiences.