
How Gardening Shapes Young Minds

In an age dominated by screens and gadgets, connecting children with nature has become more important than ever. Gardening has emerged as a simple yet effective solution that offers numerous benefits for children’s mental health and well-being. This hands-on activity not only boosts self-confidence and reduces stress, but it is also an ideal hobby for the tech-savvy Gen Z.

Benefits of Gardening for Kids

Gardening gives children a unique opportunity to care for plants and watch them grow, which fosters a sense of achievement and responsibility. It builds self-esteem because they see tangible results of their hard work, from planting seeds to harvesting a crop.

In addition, gardening offers a calming respite from the pressures of everyday life. Research has widely documented the soothing effects of nature, and spending time in green spaces has been shown to be an effective way to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. For children, a garden provides a peaceful environment where repetitive tasks such as watering, weeding, and planting can calm their minds and provide a respite from academic and social challenges.Gardening gives children a unique opportunity to care for plants and watch them grow, which builds a sense of accomplishment and responsibility.Gardening gives children a unique opportunity to care for plants and watch them grow, which builds a sense of accomplishment and responsibility.

Community Gardens: A Growing Trend

Malaysia’s Klang Valley showcases inspiring examples of community gardens, such as Kebun Komuniti Putrajaya Presint 9, Laman Kebun Seri Bangi, Kebun-Kebun Bangsar and Kebun Komuniti Presint 14. These gardens have attracted families and young people to gardening activities. For parents in urban areas with limited space, community gardens provide an excellent opportunity to introduce children to the joys and benefits of gardening.

Creating a Successful Home Vegetable Garden

Parents can start a vegetable garden for their children by following these steps:

1. Involve children in the planning: Talk to them about what foods they would like to grow, and learn to spark their curiosity and involvement.

2. Let kids choose: Let them choose their favorite flowers, vegetables, or herbs to plant.

3. Gather the necessary materials: Gather basic materials such as soil, seeds, pots or containers, and gardening tools appropriate for the needs of the children.

4. Involve children in the process: Encourage them to participate in gardening activities such as planting, watering, weeding and harvesting.

5. Incorporate education: Use the garden as a platform for science learning, combining science, math, literacy, and cooking.

For parents living in cities where space is limited, community gardens provide a great opportunity to introduce children to the joys and benefits of gardening.For parents living in cities where space is limited, community gardens provide a great opportunity to introduce children to the joys and benefits of gardening.

Creative Garden Projects and Activities

To make gardening more enjoyable and educational for children, consider the following:

1. DIY Garden Markers: Create personalized plant IDs using rocks, sticks, or recycled materials.

2. Build a bug hotel: Use twigs, leaves, and pine cones to create a habitat for beneficial insects.

3. Create a miniature garden: Design a small garden with small plants, figurines and fairy houses to spark the imagination.

4. Teach composting: Teach children how to create natural fertilizers from kitchen and garden scraps.

5. Have a treasure hunt in the garden: Prepare a list of plants, insects, and gardening tools for children to find and learn about.

6. Make bird feeders: Make bird feeders from recycled materials to attract birds to your garden.

7. Crafts Surrounded by Nature: Take part in activities such as leaf pressing, flower pressing, or creating natural collages.

8. Personalize your pots: Paint and decorate your pots to give your garden a unique character.

9. Harvesting and cooking: Involve children in harvesting ripe vegetables, then washing and preparing them for eating.

From the garden to the table

Teach your kids to incorporate homegrown vegetables into simple recipes. Get them involved in washing, preparing, and cooking the produce. This hands-on experience reinforces their understanding of the farm-to-table concept and instills a sense of pride in cooking meals from their garden. Making salads, stir-fries, or homemade fried rice with fresh vegetables from the garden can be a fun and rewarding activity.

Awakening love for nature

By creating an accessible food garden, parents can nurture children’s interest in nature, nutrition, and the origins of their food, while supporting holistic development and well-being. Providing observation journals allows children to draw pictures, write notes, and track plant growth, making gardening both enjoyable and educational.

Gardening improves mental health and teaches valuable life skills, helping parents instill a love of nature and the environment, laying the foundation for a healthier, more sustainable future.

Dr. Jasmin Arif Shah is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Her specialization is communication and agricultural extension.