
Greg Abbott criticized for demanding hospitals report on illegal immigrants

A prominent nurses union has slammed Texas Gov. Greg Abbott after he signed an executive order forcing hospitals to collect data on the health care costs of undocumented immigrants treated in the state.

Speaking to Newsweek On Friday, the National Nurses United union said Abbott’s plan “unfairly” targets an already marginalized group of people.

The governor said his plan, set to go into effect Nov. 1, is a response to the Biden-Harris administration’s “open borders policy,” which is putting additional pressure on Texas’ health care system.

Under an executive order signed by Abbott on Thursday, medical personnel who treat undocumented immigrants will be required to collect and report to state authorities information about their patients’ citizenship status.

“Health care is a human right. Asking a patient about their immigration status will deter and prevent thousands of people with serious medical needs from getting necessary, potentially life-saving health care,” said Belen Torres of the National Nurses Organizing Committee, an affiliate of National Nurses United Newsweek.

Greg Abbott exec order immigration
Main: Cadet Israel Sanchez and technician Alfonso Garcia carry migrant Darwin Varela, who was suffering from dehydration, onto a stretcher July 18, 2023, in Eagle Pass, Texas. Inset: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks on the…

Brandon Bell/Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

“We oppose any immigration status requirements that unfairly target an already marginalized group of people,” the El Paso registered nurse added.

“Governor Abbott has bigger problems with healthcare in Texas. For example, the unbridled corporate greed of the Texas hospital industry has led to declining hospital services and staffing cuts, all in the name of shareholder profits.”

Abbott’s new executive order will force health officials to disclose costs associated with caring for undocumented immigrants.

This means the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) must “estimate the costs to the Texas public hospital system imposed by the federal government’s open borders policy.”

Under the order, HHSC must report regularly to the state. The state government will require quarterly cost reports, and annual reports will be sent to the governor’s office.

“Texans should not have to bear the financial burden of supporting health care for undocumented immigrants,” Abbott said in a statement Thursday.

“Due to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ open border policies, Texas has had to cover the medical costs of people who are in the state illegally,” he added.

Torres said such a policy was inhumane and called it a political stunt.

“Nurses have a moral and legal obligation to provide care to all patients, regardless of their immigration status, ability to pay, insurance status or any other basis of exclusion,” Torres continued.

The union representative also expressed concerns that migrants may be discouraged from seeking medical help because they fear their status could impact themselves or their children.

“We know that this question acts as a natural deterrent, and I think we all know that is the purpose of this cruel executive order,” Torres said.

These concerns were expressed by the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) of Texas, which posted on Twitter (X) in which it said the governor was “playing politics” with people’s lives.

“Texas has some of the worst health care outcomes in the country. This latest abuse of emergency powers could make things even worse,” the organization wrote.

Newsweek reached out to Abbott’s office for further comment on Friday but has not yet received a response.

Hospital officials across Texas must now determine how best to implement the policy.

“This would be a new requirement and we are reviewing it as quickly as possible,” said Carrie Williams, a spokeswoman for the Texas Hospital Association. Newsweek“Texas hospitals currently do not ask about a patient’s immigration status as a condition of treatment.

“Hospitals are legally obligated to provide life-saving treatment to everyone, regardless of ability to pay or status.”

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