
Saudi authorities arrest 20,471 lawbreakers in a week

In addition, 1,050 people were detained for attempting to cross the Kingdom’s borders illegally, with the breakdown being 36 percent Yemenis, 62 percent Ethiopians, and 2 percent other nationalities. Another 61 people were detained for attempting to cross the borders illegally outside the Kingdom.

In addition, 20 people were arrested for facilitating, hiding and employing people who broke the law.

Currently, legal proceedings are underway against 14,929 perpetrators of violations, including 13,522 men.

Of these, 5,701 people were directed to diplomatic missions to process their travel documents, 2,494 people were ordered to finalise travel bookings and 9,714 people were deported.

The Ministry of Interior warned that anyone involved in aiding those violating border security, including facilitating their entry, transportation or refuge in the Kingdom, could face severe penalties. These include up to 15 years in prison, fines of up to one million rials and the confiscation of vehicles used in these activities.