
Symptoms, mental health effects and effective treatments, porn addiction, International Youth Day, symptoms of porn addiction, effects of porn addiction, mental health

Over the past few years, the need to help young people struggling with porn addiction has been expressed on many platforms. In fact, earlier this year, the Madras High Court expressed concern and stressed the urgent need for society to address the issue.

Addicts need guidance, education, and counseling to overcome their addiction. Rather than simply condemning or punishing them, a more mature approach focuses on supporting and empowering them to make positive changes.

On the occasion of International Youth Day, Mathrubhumi English caught up with D. Shashidhar B, Consultant Andrologist at Manipal Hospital, Whitefield, Bengaluru, to know more about porn addiction.

What are the most common signs and symptoms of pornography addiction in young people and how can we recognize them?

An important symptom is that these people suffer from compulsive sexual activity, which is manifested by a tendency to ignore normal daily activities, responsibilities, neglect of personal hygiene, as well as stronger urges and the desire to have sex.

They watch increasingly extreme pornography to get the same release that less extreme pornography once offered. They indulge in pornography despite knowing the negative consequences, regardless of time and place.

The person engages in risky behaviors to view pornography, such as doing so at work. They spend large sums of money on pornography, possibly at the expense of daily or family needs.

They lose interest in real sex, their interest in their partner decreases, and they may need more stimulation to achieve arousal during sexual activity.

How does excessive pornography viewing affect brain development in teenagers and young adults?

Pornographic images and materials are synonymous with additives, which are hyperstimulating agents, which causes increased levels of dopamine secretion. This can deactivate the dopamine reward system, making the person insensitive to natural pleasure stimuli.

It can cause abnormal brain development and be directly linked to poor mental health, affecting behaviour, mood, social anxiety, depression and negative body image.

Can pornography addiction lead to other mental health problems such as depression, anxiety or low self-esteem in young people?

Chronic pornography use appears to cause sexual dysfunction, particularly the inability to achieve an erection or orgasm with a real partner. Instead of turning to a romantic partner for sexual gratification or fulfillment, habitual pornography users instinctively reach for their phones and laptops when lust strikes.

Studies have shown that because of abnormal changes in the dopamine transmission system that facilitate depression and anxiety, they have difficulty regulating their behavior and impulses.

What role does social isolation play in the development of pornography addiction among youth?

Statistics suggest that pornography addiction may affect 5-8% of the adult population. Loneliness involves feeling isolated due to a lack of social interaction.

BLAST feelings (boredom, loneliness, anger-fear, stress, fatigue) are a phenomenon reflecting the defenselessness of children during the pandemic, which can result in addiction.

How does pornography addiction affect relationships and closeness in the lives of young people?

The growing addiction to Internet pornography may become a serious epidemiological problem. As important aspects of life, such as learning and entertainment, become dependent on gadgets. The erosion of the social system further limits the possibilities of teenagers to maintain good social relationships in their environment.

Pornography can affect sexual habits, lifestyles and attitudes. A recent study found that about 21.9% of participants tend to view porn sites as their personal habit, and about 10% of them reported reduced sexual interest in establishing a partnership in real life and preferring “virtual sex” as faster, safer, less demanding and satisfying their particular sexual fantasies.

What are the most effective approaches to treating pornography addiction among youth? How do we support them?

Research does not support a specific treatment for porn addiction, as it is not considered a disease. People seeking treatment for porn addiction may instead seek treatment for other issues, such as relationship problems, shame around sex, or depression.

A combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy is very helpful. Regarding BLAST feelings and porn addiction, parents are also given education to achieve more effective results. Some people use porn out of boredom or exhaustion. A healthier lifestyle may include spending fewer hours on the computer.

Could pornography addiction be a precursor to other addictive behaviors, such as substance abuse or compulsive behaviors?

Yes, the combination of anxiety, stress, isolation and depression can lead to other addictions, such as alcohol and drug addiction.

How does exposure to pornographic content at a young age impact healthy sexual development and attitudes towards sexuality?

Pornography use can also affect relationships. For example, some studies indicate that pornography creates unrealistic expectations about sex. Lack of interest in real sex, attitudes toward violence against women, and affects couple bonds.

What are the long-term (2-year) consequences of untreated pornography addiction on a young person’s mental and physical health? Do they find it difficult to develop feelings for someone?

Depression, isolation from society, withdrawal from contact with loved ones, aggressive behavior, substance abuse, low self-esteem and low body image.

Most porn addicts are reluctant to share their problems with others, such as family and close friends, for fear of stigmatization. How does this person communicate their problem?

Building a support system of friends and loved ones can be important in inducing positive change. Seek professional help when basic interventions may not be helpful.

If someone is an introvert and tries very hard to get rid of this addiction but still feel the need. How can we help such people? Is it dopamine? How to control it?

Recovering from pornography addiction requires support, commitment, and a willingness to change. With the right strategies and a strong support network, lasting recovery is within reach.