
Final VET Review report sets out vision for transforming skills sector

The statement, released during the National Skills Week event, hosted by Business Sydney and SkillsOne, highlighted the importance of skills development and vocational training in shaping the state’s future workforce.

The final report is the result of an extensive review and consultation process, including regional tours, roundtable sessions, a Skills Symposium, and discussions with more than 1,100 co-authors.

A key election commitment, the VET Review aims to set out a roadmap for TAFE NSW’s recovery, supporting learners and strengthening the voice of local industry.

The final report contains 21 recommendations aimed at transforming and better integrating the vocational education and training system while supporting its stakeholders.

Key areas of focus include a new needs-based funding model, improved coordination of key services, and increased support for program groups including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students and people from regional areas.

In addition, the final report recommended closer links and cooperation between government and industry, including formal commitments to skills development in priority sectors, and building links between secondary and postgraduate education.

The NSW Government will consider all recommendations contained in both the interim and final reports and provide a formal response in due course.

In the meantime, work has already begun to implement the recommendations contained in the VET Review Interim Report, including the launch of consultations on a new TAFE NSW Charter and a revised TAFE NSW operating model.

Access the final report

Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education Steve Whan said:

“The VET Review Panel, chaired by Dr Michele Bruniges AM, Verity Firth AM and Jason Ardler PSM, has worked tirelessly to deliver a report to the NSW Government that will comprehensively assess and redefine the VET system in NSW.

“The panel has delivered a report that clearly reflects the issues facing the sector. It is now up to the Minns Labor government to consider the recommendations carefully and deliver reform to this vital sector.

“This final report confirms the Labour Government’s election commitment to a comprehensive review of our vocational education and training system.

“We knew that after 12 years of neglect by the previous government, we needed to understand the full scale of the damage being done to the sector.

“We will take the time to consider how to properly implement these reforms to rebuild a skills system that works in the areas of greatest need.”

The Chair of the VET Review Panel, Dr Michele Bruniges AM said:

“I would like to thank my panel colleagues for their insightful contributions, as well as the many stakeholders whose views helped shape our recommendations.

“The vocational education and training (VET) system in New South Wales is vital to the future of our communities and economy. How we develop the skills and capabilities of the NSW workforce for the future will be a key factor in addressing many of the major challenges facing our state.

“I am extremely proud to present this final report which sets out the panel’s aspirations for how the NSW vocational education system will rise to this challenge, with the NSW Government as its steward, working in partnership with our community and private service providers.”