
The change in the law will expand the use of recycled plastic in production

TOKYO >> Under a planned law amendment, manufacturers that use large amounts of plastic will be required to set targets for their use of recycled plastic and report the amount actually used.

The move to strengthen plastic regulations is aimed at promoting decarbonization, as most plastic waste in Japan is incinerated. The government plans to revise the Resource Efficiency Promotion Act as early as the next regular session of parliament in January, according to sources.

The current law calls for an effort-based requirement to use recycled plastic, with no set targets. An expert panel of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry was expected to produce an interim report in July, including a requirement to set volume targets and submit reports.

Industries that exceed a certain threshold of plastic use will be subject to more stringent regulations. The new regulations are likely to cover packaging and container manufacturers, electronics manufacturers, car manufacturers and construction materials manufacturers, according to the ministry and other sources.

The revised law would require each industry to set guidelines for expanding their use of recycled plastic. Companies would use the guidelines to set targets. The revised law would also require companies to report the actual amount of recycled plastic used, with relevant ministries recommending or requiring improvements if necessary. Penalties for companies that fail to comply would also be considered. The revised law would be enforced after a few years to give companies enough time to become familiar with it.

Currently, most of the plastic collected is burned to produce energy, a problematic practice because burning plastic emits a large amount of carbon dioxide. Some of the plastic is exported abroad, and less than 10% is reused to make other products in Japan.