
This Thread of Original Old Raven Titles Like Singularity and Soldier of Fortune 2 Makes Gamers Sad

You might know Raven Software from the Call of Duty (COD) franchise. The studio once thrived as a creator of distinct and highly regarded games such as Singularity, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, and the Heretic-Hexen Trilogy. The studio has since become a support studio primarily focused on the yearly Call of Duty titles.

Many games and developers have come and gone throughout the history of gaming but fans remember Raven. Many on social media and Reddit have expressed sorrow over the studio’s shift from their original titles to the annual blockbuster series.

How Raven Software Went From Making Cult Classics to COD

Raven Software was founded in 1990 and quickly made a name for itself from its creativity. The studio was known for its unique games that explored new concepts and pushed the boundaries of whatever genre they tackled at the time. Titles like Hexen, Hereticand Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast became favorites for gamers.

Ace the studio transitioned to supporting CODmany of these beloved franchises were left behind, and fans have been mourning their loss ever since. A recent thread on X (formerly Twitter) highlighted this sentiment, with gamers reminiscing about the studio’s past achievements.

One user pointed out how Singularitydespite being overshadowed by bigger titles, was a precursor to other successful games like Titanfall 2.

The acquisition of the studio by Activision in the late 1990s marked the beginning of a new era for the studio. The turning point came with the Call of Duty franchise.

Things Like These Are All Too Normal In the Gaming Industry

A still from CoD: Black Ops 6
Big blockbusters like Call of Duty make money so the shift makes sense. | Image Credit: Treyarch

This move ensured job security for the studio’s employees, but it also meant that Raven’s days of developing original IPs were effectively over. This transition was met with mixed feelings. On one hand, fans were glad that the studio was still operational. But on the other, they mourned the loss of the creative spark that once defined the studio.

The video game industry is Notoriously volatile, with many studios struggling to survive. For every member of the team, becoming a part of the yearly Call of Duty production line meant stability in a highly competitive industry. The studio’s creative output may have diminished, but the alternative could have been far worse.

Yet, as much as we understand the economic realities behind the shift, the longing for the days when the studio was a beacon of originality remains. Events like this are truly a reminder of the cost of corporate consolidation in the gaming industry.

Even as Raven Software plays a key role in the continued success of the Call of Duty franchise, fans can’t help but wonder what might have been if the studio had continued to develop its own IPs.

Do you remember these old games as fondly as other gamers? Would you have wanted to see more of the studio? Let us know in the comments!