
Donald Trump to Stimulate Economy and Curb Inflation — After Harris-Biden Nightmare

Donald Trump’s economic vision, which he laid out Thursday, could not be a more radical — and encouraging — change from the economic nightmare of Harris and Biden.

The former president wants to return to the days of low inflation and low unemployment under his administration — by freeing up domestic manufacturing and energy production, ending wasteful spending under the Green New Deal, rolling back burdensome regulations and making tax cuts permanent.

This sure beats Kamala Harris’ multi-trillion dollar socialist price controlsdollar tax hiking and more inflation-fueled Bidenomics.

Trump sees a more robust energy market as a boost to the broader economy. His goal is bisect energy prices “over 12 months” (which will also result in lower costs of other goods) by declaring a “state of emergency” and increasing “energy production, generation and supply”.

“From day one,” he pledged, “I will approve new drilling, new pipelines, new refineries, new power plants, new reactors — and we will cut red tape.”

It would also “end” the “Green New Scam” by canceling unspent funds authorized in the Harris-Biden Inflation Relief Act.

Trump’s other goals are equally ambitious:

  • Retirement of 10 existing regulations in favor of each new one.
  • Creation of a “national wealth fund”, built largely from customs revenues, to invest in infrastructure, defense, and medical research.
  • Establishment of Elon Musk-led Government Efficiency Task Force to ‘audit’ All federal operations and recommend “drastic reforms.”
  • “Eliminating” the deficit using money from the wealth fund, increasing tax revenues through a stronger economy, and cutting spending.
  • Making the 2018 tax cuts permanent, eliminating taxes on tips and Social Security benefits, and lowering the tax rate for businesses operating in America from 21% to 15%.

He wants to combine all of this with an effort to “restore the rule of law” in America — his top priority after years of Democrats “censoring speech” and “weaponizing the justice system.”

Similarly, he intended to deal with the wave of illegal immigrants (his signature problem), who would cost Americans jobs and taxpayers “hundreds of billions.”

It’s true that Trump may not be able to meet All these lofty goals, especially if Democrats control Congress.

Still, he steered the country in the right direction after years when Harris-Biden policies drove up energy and grocery prices and sky-high interest rates made buying homes unaffordable.

Honestly, who wants more Bidenomics misery (even if it’s imposed by Kamala Harris), plus potentially $5 trillion in tax increases, trillions of dollars in wasteful new green pork on top of that… and more federal debt?

Few elections will hinge more on the candidates’ economic plans than this year’s. Trump just showed why.