
Survey asks Howard County teachers, families about cellphone and device policies in schools

BALTIMORE — The Howard County School District has launched a survey to help determine what policies should be in place regarding cellphones and other devices used by students.

It’s a conversation school districts across the country are having. Locally, Anne Arundel County Public Schools started the new school year with a new policy that tightened rules on cellphone use.

Howard County school officials asked their employees, families and other community stakeholders to complete a recently released survey.

The survey asked whether personal technologies used by students distract from instruction and whether students should have access to these technologies.

The survey results will be forwarded to the working group, which is expected to present its policy recommendations in January. The survey closes on 20 September at 4:00 p.m. It can be found here.

The Howard County School District has launched a survey to help determine what policies should be in place regarding cell phones and other devices used by students.

CBS Baltimore News

“It has become a big problem”

The Howard County Education Association, the union representing teachers in the county, is advocating for stricter rules on cellphone and personal device use.

HCEA president Benjamin Schmitt said cell phone use has become one of the main concerns for teachers and many of them are filing complaints.

“That’s probably one of the top three issues,” Schmitt said. “Whether it’s students using their devices when they shouldn’t, or students not doing things on their devices properly, like recording things in class, recording fights and other acts of violence, it’s become a big issue.”

Howard County resident Tracy Devine said her child, who attends a private school, is allowed to bring his cellphone to school but is not allowed to take it out during class.

Devine said she wouldn’t mind if cellphones weren’t used in the classroom, but she understands the concerns.

“Things are much more concerning, school shootings, school violence, and those are things that need to be considered,” Devine said. “You need to figure out what works within the parameters of your own school’s concerns.”