
Trump’s Craziest, Most Idiotic, Right-Wing Mad Libs Debate Line

Trump, in his own words, allegedly he replied“You’ll have to figure that out, Abdul,” he added, adding that no U.S. troops had been killed in 18 months.

In reality, almost none of this is true. Since 2016, the leader of the Taliban has been a cleric named Hibatullah Akhundzadaalthough one of the Taliban’s negotiators with the United States was Abdul Ghani Baradarone of Akhundzada’s deputies. They were Wall Street Journal the reporter too notes that the Taliban did not use snipers often and were more effective at killing people with explosives.

Trump also did not oversee an 18-month period in which no U.S. troops were killed. There was one such period in which no U.S. troops were killed in combat, but that was March 2020 to August 2021half of which occurred during Joe Biden’s presidency.

Last month, Trump’s former national security adviser, General HR McMaster, told CNN that Trump’s negotiations with the Taliban resulted in the United States forcing the Afghan government to lay off 5000 members extremist organization, which Kamala Harris was more than happy to reveal pay attention during a debate in which she rebutted his word salad.