
Benefits of retrofitting versus rebuilding to reduce carbon emissions

Buildings account for over 35% of global energy consumption and a third of total greenhouse gas emissions. As they age, their management systems are likely to suffer. Buildings, like any other structure, have a lifespan, and as they approach the end of their lifespan, they use significantly more energy to maintain basic functions such as heating, lighting, etc.

This creates a situation where having basic functionality is extremely inconvenient and expensive. Excessive emissions also pose a great threat to the environment and residents. In this regard, one of the most pressing questions may be ‘What are carbon dioxide emissions??

These are carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide emitted from burning fossil fuels, which deplete not only our resources but also the ozone layer. Older buildings are more likely to produce excess of these gases. As these systems age, they can even stop working altogether or be cut off from the power grid until you fix them.

At this point, building owners may want to consider a complete remodel. However, there is another, more efficient form of updating that you can consider. It’s called a retrofit.

What is retrofitting?

It is the process of updating existing infrastructure and management systems in a building to increase efficiency and completely redesign it. These transformations and updates can completely change how energy efficient and advanced your building is compared to your competitors.

This option is better for a rebuild, which involves tearing down the entire facility and starting over. It saves a lot of resources and can potentially be less expensive. It is also a better way to comply with local regulations and audit requirements in your area.

How does retrofitting help buildings?

Modernizing older facilities that are reaching the end of their service life offers a number of benefits.

1. Greater energy efficiency

One of the main benefits of retrofitting is the ability to increase a building’s energy efficiency. By installing updated infrastructure, buildings can reduce their carbon footprint and operating costs. Retrofitting includes installing newer insulation and HVAC systems that minimize heat loss and improve thermal efficiency. Additionally, energy-efficient appliance and lighting upgrades can reduce utility bills and excess usage.

This process also allows for the integration of renewable energy devices, such as solar panels or wind turbines, into the building. This allows buildings to produce clean energy, becoming more self-sufficient and less dependent on grid energy consumption.

2. Better return on investment

The primary driver for building retrofits is environmental and real estate. This means that an older building is likely to have a much lower market value. Retrofits offer huge financial benefits, making them a viable option for building owners. By reducing energy consumption, these projects can save you money on utility bills and also increase the market value of your building. When you compound these costs over time, they provide a net increase.

In this way, the upgrade also increases the overall value and market appeal of the property. Energy-efficient and sustainable features differentiate your property in the real estate market. In addition, larger buildings must have more energy-efficient systems to meet local regulations and audits. Failure to have these systems can result in penalties.

3. Better living conditions

Retrofitting is a comprehensive approach that goes beyond energy efficiency. It also includes changes to indoor comfort and occupant health. By upgrading HVAC systems, or BMS, you can provide better air quality, heating and lighting, making your building more livable. This reduces the risk of mold, allergens, leaks and other nuisance or potentially serious hazards that make living inside problematic.

4. Resistance to natural disasters

Essentially, a building is a place of shelter. This means that its protective capabilities are fundamental. As the frequency and intensity of natural disasters continue to increase, retrofitting has become the need of the hour. These projects focus on strengthening existing infrastructure, making it more resistant to earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, and even theft and break-ins.

Through measures such as reinforced boundaries, improved structural foundations and the use of impact-resistant materials, retrofitting can completely transform the way a building copes with adverse conditions.

How does modernization help with local law compliance?

As part of a disclosure agreement Local law 97owners of buildings larger than 25,000 square feet must conduct regular energy audits to achieve lower carbon emissions in New York City by 2050. This also applies to a group of buildings in the same tax bracket that together account for 50,000 square feet. In essence, an outdated building will be highly inefficient at the end of its useful life.

So when you submit your energy audit, it will not meet the required efficiency standards and will be rated quite low. Failure to comply with these sustainability regulations can result in serious penalties and legal consequences.

In addition, owners will have to take responsibility for the unsafe living environment inside the facility. That is why you need to upgrade when your facility is nearing the end of its useful life. It also helps reduce the total cost of managing the building through cleaner and renewable energy sources.

Building owners should also follow appropriate procedures throughout the process, such as:

  1. Provide a detailed description of the building, including its dimensions, material, location, equipment, boilers, backup energy sources, etc.
  2. Describe HVAC systems.
  3. Describe its current state and any updates it needs
  4. Current energy usage information such as bills, estimates, etc.
  5. Reports on updated applications.
  6. Identify areas of energy dispersion and waste and propose likely solutions.
  7. Calculate how profitable these measures are.
  8. Please provide any specific recommendations.

How to reduce carbon dioxide emissions through modernization?

As mentioned earlier, modernization is key to maintaining the functionality of a building. Owners can plan and improve their BMS or building management systems based on previous audits and then implement modernization accordingly. Implementing environmentally friendly improvements in BMS can significantly reduce the plant’s pollution or carbon footprint.

Here are some of the many benefits of energy audits:

  1. Switching to cleaner, renewable energy sources, such as solar, for electricity generation can help buildings use off-grid energy. This in turn helps reduce or, ideally, eliminate supply costs.
  2. Retrofitting can help eliminate issues in a building, such as broken appliances, which, if left untreated, become barriers to comfort.
  3. Facilities that modernize and implement greener technologies offer significantly higher resale value than their non-audited counterparts.
  4. It can help identify safety issues such as grounding problems, electrical systems, HVAC systems, etc., and prevent serious accidents.
  5. Helping buildings and institutions achieve decarbonisation and net zero emissions.


Governments around the world are speaking out about the need for carbon neutral cities and living spaces. In this journey, retrofitting has become a key tool to give new life to a structure that would otherwise be demolished. It enables homes and businesses to not have to move and start over. This not only improves the comfort inside the building, but also has a positive impact on the environment.

This NYC LL97 Compliance Consultants can help facilities with their building management systems and implementation of modernizations, in compliance with Local Law 97. This will make your buildings more competitive in the marketplace and increase their value as assets. Contact the team for a professional consultation today.

Source: Business NewsWire