
BLK Dating App Survey Finds 43% Of Black Gen Z Singles Are Celibate

BLK Dating App Survey Finds 43% Of Black Gen Z Singles Are Celibate


Many Gen Zers aren’t having sex nowadays, and it’s not because they can’t get any. A new survey conducted by the dating app BLK Dating App found that 43% of Black Gen Z daters are currently practicing celibacy. Among this Black Gen Z group, 64% of Black women are choosing the celibate life, meaning they’re abstaining from physical intimacy.

Why are Gen Z individuals choosing not to engage in sexual intercourse? The survey uncovered a myriad of reasons. The leading reason at 61% is personal growth or self-discovery. Frustration with a toxic dating environment was another reason survey respondents cited.

“What we’re seeing with Black Gen Z singles is more than just a dating trend—it’s a movement towards personal empowerment and emotional well-being,” said Jonathan Kirkland, Head of Brand and Marketing at BLK. “This generation values ​​authenticity and is reclaiming their narratives, prioritizing self-discovery over societal expectations. The rise in celibacy speaks to their desire for healthier relationships, both with themselves and others, and that’s a powerful statement.”

Holding out on sex seems to be rewarding for some of the survey respondents, seeing as 87% said celibacy has either positively impacted their dating life or made no difference.

Key Survey Findings:

  • 43% of Black Gen Z daters are practicing celibacy.
  • 64% of Black Gen Z women are celibate, with 63% having been celibate for less than six months.
  • 61% cited personal growth or self-discovery as their primary reason for celibacy.
  • 66% reported improved mental and emotional well-being due to celibacy.
  • 87% said celibacy has either positively impacted their dating life or made no difference.
  • 1 in 3 Black Gen Z daters believe celibacy is becoming more accepted, though 43% still feel there’s a stigma within the Black community.

In recent times, several Black celebrities have come out to discuss their celibacy journeys. For instance, singer Omarion recently revealed that he’s been celibate for the past three years during an interview with André Duqum’s Know Thyself podcast.

Singer Lenny Kravitz also revealed that he hadn’t had sex in nine years back in March. He said he was holding out for the right person and chose the celibacy path to not allow “my own desires take over.”

In 2008, Kravitz also touched on his celibacy journey and how it’s a spiritual affair. “In the end, that’s going to help me to find the right person,” he said during an interview. “So I’m not going to wave on that. “That’s a promise I made to God three years ago,” he said at the time.

In addition to Omarion and Lenny, singer Mya has also shared that she’s been celibate for seven years, and it’s given her mental clarity.

While Black celebrities speaking openly about celibacy may help destigmatize the lifestyle choice, some people still feel it’s not acceptable. 1 in 3 Black Gen Z daters from the survey believe celibacy is becoming more accepted. However, 43% percent still feel there’s a stigma within the Black community.