
Shapiro EO focuses on workforce housing and homelessness

In an effort to increase housing affordability, address homelessness and make Pennsylvania more competitive, Governor Josh Shapiro signed an executive order to create the state’s first comprehensive housing action plan.

Executive Order 2024-03 addresses housing shortages, homelessness, and expands affordable housing options. The Executive Order directs the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to lead the development of the plan, work with stakeholders to identify housing needs, and develop a response.

“To make Pennsylvania more competitive, we must lower costs, grow our workforce, and attract more people to live and work in this community,” Shapiro said in a statement. “A key challenge we face in attracting new residents is the lack of safe, affordable housing—which is why my administration is focused on delivering common-sense solutions to expand affordable housing and lower housing costs for Pennsylvanians.

“We recognize that Pennsylvania faces unique challenges and opportunities when it comes to housing — that’s why we need a comprehensive, coordinated statewide housing plan. We’re taking action to build more homes in communities that need them most, lower costs so families can stay in their homes, repair older homes, and make sure our seniors can live with dignity and comfort. We’re all in this together, and I’m committed to ensuring everyone has access to a place they can truly call home,” Shapiro added.

Secretary Rick Siger said DCED looks forward to working with colleagues inside and outside of state government to create an action plan that will increase the supply of workforce housing, increase the supply of affordable housing and provide support to those who are currently unhoused.

“When we created the state’s economic development strategy last year, we heard from stakeholders across Pennsylvania about the urgent need to comprehensively address our housing challenges,” Siger said. “The Housing Action Plan will provide a roadmap to increasing Pennsylvania’s economic competitiveness and complement our work to make the Commonwealth the best place to live, work, play and innovate.”

According to the release, the Housing Action Plan will be a data-driven, statewide plan that provides recommendations to increase housing supply and support the preservation of existing housing, including:

  • Assessment and identification of housing needs at the community, regional and local levels.
  • Establish goals with measurable outcomes, available resources, and other elements that DCED believes may be necessary to achieve the goals outlined in the Housing Action Plan.
  • Identify, review, and evaluate the effectiveness of housing programs and resources offered by agencies in Pennsylvania.
  • Make recommendations on state housing programs, investments, and policy initiatives and leverage best practices from the public and private sectors to improve housing outcomes across Pennsylvania.
  • Recommended strategic planning initiatives that can be implemented in the next five years.

The Executive Order directs the Department of Human Services (DHS) to develop policy recommendations and best practices for addressing homelessness and supporting people in need through collaboration with stakeholders, including the Governor’s Offices of Policy and Budget, State agencies, local and federal governments, and community-based organizations.

“The ability to access and provide safe, reliable housing is essential to family health, stability, and well-being,” said DHS Secretary Dr. Val Arkoosh. “This interagency collaboration, with county and local partners, will simplify navigation of housing support systems, reduce red tape, and improve our housing stock.

“Housing is inextricably linked to health outcomes, employability, and quality of life. Governor Shapiro’s executive order is a groundbreaking opportunity to come together and invest in strengthening this critical infrastructure for our neighbors and our future,” said Arkoosh.

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Jordan Harris said developing a comprehensive Housing Action Plan could improve access to safe and affordable housing and address the root causes of homelessness.

“This initiative is critically important not only for Pennsylvania’s economic stability, but also for the well-being of families and individuals across our state,” Harris said.