
Meteorological situation in the Opole region – 13:00 14.09.24

The greatest consequences of the event occurred in the Nysa, Prudnik and Głubczyce counties. Obstructions in road and rail traffic were noted.

Road traffic disruptions.
13/09/2024 at 10:30 p.m. in Głuchołazy, due to the occurrence of water in the Biała Głuchołaska river (alarm level exceeded) The bridge over the DK40 route has been closed, for instructions.

September 14, 2024 from 3:00 a.m. in the Otmuchów commune the roads are impassable: Łąka – Kałków and Broniszowice – Śliwice.

Additional, additional difficulty:

  • Dzierżkowice (Glubczyce district) is the closest to the Opava River,
  • Branice, Młyńska Street closed the most on the Opava River,
  • Bobolouski, mostly closed in the Czech Republic on the Opava River,
  • Nysa, loss of road on the Wyszków Śląski – Niwnica route,
  • Wilamowice Nyskie, Nowy Świętów closed most on the Biała Głuchołaska river,
  • Biała Nyska – Siestrzechowice is the most closed on the Biała Głuchołaska river,
  • Kalków meadow road to the Widna river,
  • Nysa – Niwnica closed section of DW 489,
  • Wiechowice, closed most of all on the Opava River.

Rail traffic disruptions:
railway route no. 137, Prudnik – Nowy Świętów route, train traffic is recognized due to flooding of tracks. A replacement bus supply has been introduced,
railway route no. 297, Głuchołazy – Nowy Świętów route. A replacement bus service has been introduced.

Additionally, on 14.09.2024 at 12:30 the total number of electricity resources is 3583 (100 stations). Necessary in terms of securing devices for people located under disconnected monitoring equipment.

In the event of a hydrological and meteorological threat:

  • Meteorological warning regarding the need to use rain (level 3)applies to the entire province from 03:00 on 12/09/2024 to 07:00 on 16/09/2024,
  • weather warning for strong winds (level 1), applies to the entire province from 6:00 a.m. on 14/09/2024 until 3:00 p.m. on 15/09/2024.
  • hydrological warning regarding flooding exceeding alarm levels (level 3)the catchment area of ​​the Odra tributary in the Sudetes and Sudetic Foreland, the catchment areas of the Osobłoga, Nysa Kłodzka, upper Bóbr, and Kwisa rivers and the Oława, Ślęża, Bystrzyca, Kaczawa rivers from 14:00 on 12/09/2024 to 11:00 on 16/09/2024.
  • hydrological warning regarding flooding exceeding alarm levels (level 3) area Prosna Górna, Liswarta, applies from 14:00 on 12/09/2024 to 11:00 on 16/09/2024
  • hydrological warning regarding flooding exceeding alarm levels (level 3) the Odra area from Chałupki to Koźle, Olza from Cieszyn to the mouth of the Odra, Olza, Czadeczka, Ruda from the Rybnik reservoir to the mouth of the Odra, Ruda, Bierawka, Kłodnica from the Dzierżno Duże reservoir to the mouth of the Odra, Kłodnica from 8:00 p.m. on 12/09/2024 to 11:00 a.m. on 16/09/2024.

In connection with this, the RCB has launched the RCB ALERT for residents of the Opole Voivodeship.

  • Exceeding warning and alarm levels.

Meteorological situation in the Opole region – 13:00 14.09.24

  • Flood emergency services and alarms:
  • on September 12, 2024 from 6:00 p.m. The District Governor of Nysa provides flood emergency services for all municipalities in Nysa County,
  • on 13/09/2024 from 11:00, Prudnik County Head’s flood emergency service for the following municipalities: Biała, Głogówek, Lubrza, Prudnik,
  • on 13/09/2024 from 6:00 p.m. The head of the Nysa district issued a flood alarm for the Nysa district,
  • on 13/09/2024 from 7:00 p.m. Mayor of Głuchołazy auxiliary flood alarm for the municipalities of Głuchołazy,
  • on 13/09/2024 from 23:15 Mayor of Prudnik flood alarm for Prudnik communes,
  • on 14/09/2024 from 01:30 Prudnik County Head flood alarm for the following municipalities: Biała, Głogówek, Lubrza, Prudnik,
  • on 14/09/2024 at 09:00 Starosta Głubczyce flood emergency service in the communes of Baborów, Branice, Głubczyce, Kietrz.

Updated as of 07:30

The activities of the State Fire Service are aimed at carrying out preventive tasks and responding to flood-related activities. The activities consist of:
on filling bags, raising and securing embankments and securing the infrastructure of large and publicly accessible buildings in locations considered to be at the highest risk of flooding.

In total, the State Fire Service intervened 195 times:

  • Nysa – 110 interventions;
  • Prudnik district – 80th place;
  • Głubczyce district – 4 detailed.

Prudnik County:

  1. in the town of Biała the Białka river came out of the riverbed,
  2. in other towns of the Głogówek commune and Prudnik commune acting during activities aimed at securing properties (preventive measures).

Nysa County:

  1. in the village of Morów (Nysa commune) the Mora River flooded, which is why the evacuation of residents from the affected areas was initiated,
  2. in the town of Głuchołazy an evacuation was announced. The place of evacuation is the Primary School at Słowackiego Street in Głuchołazy,
  3. in the Korfantów commune in the morning hours locally occurred the river Ścinawa Niemodlińska, the population was not evacuated. located and firefighters secured places that are included in the scope,
  4. Operations by the 171st Light Infantry Battalion from Brzeg currently in 2 locations in the Nysa district – Trzeboszowice
    and Dziewiętlice (Paczków commune). The operations consist of destroying the civilian population by securing properties. In total, since 19:00 on 13/09/2024, 138 soldiers and 6 vehicles were involved.

Updated as of 1:00 PM

PSP continues to perform preventive tasks, and then responds to flood proactive actions. The actions consist of filling bags, raising and securing embankments, and securing building infrastructure and making it available to the public in locations considered to be at the highest risk of flooding.

The State Fire Service intervened 144 times (Nysa, Prudnik, Głubczyce counties).

Prudnik County:

  1. in Prudnik, ul. Poniatowskiego 7, water was determined to be part of the Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant infrastructure. Firefighters arranged sand works to create a protective embankment. WSSE Opole detailed symptoms included water intakes
    in three poviats (Prudnik, Glubczyce, Nysa) flood outflows,
  2. in Łąka Prudnicka educational evacuation of some residents
    to the School in Łąka Prudnicka and the youth hostel in Prudnik.

Nysa County:

  1. Głuchołazy, ul. Lompy 2, SP ZOZ Hospital No. 2, water entered the basement
    in building B

Głubczyce County:

  1. in the town of Głubczyce an evacuation (self-evacuation) was announced. alternative location.

get infected in Jarnołtówek, where a large-scale evacuation is taking place.