
Fight at Saline County Republican meeting leads to formal complaint, calls for removal

A recent fight at a Saline County Republican Committee meeting has heightened tensions among committee members.

This led to a formal complaint being filed with the Arkansas Republican Party Executive Committee.

Clint Lancaster, who claims to have been the victim of unprofessional language, has filed a formal complaint seeking the removal of some committee members for allegedly violating party rules.

“Newcomb was yelling obscenities at me all night long. He called me ‘fucking little B.’ He was giving me the finger. He was aggressive. He was totally inappropriate. Newcomb is not only a committee member, he’s the third vice chairman of the executive committee. So the Saline County Republican Committee leadership is behaving in this manner.”

Involved members say the presence of some of these individuals makes them uncomfortable due to inappropriate language, intimidation and harassment.

Faulkner County Committeeman Jimmy Cavin says John Newcomb was aggressive toward Saline County Republican Women President Kandi Cox throughout the night. That led to Newcomb getting close to Cox, scaring her.

Cavin says it was at that moment that he came to Cox’s defense.

“This is getting dangerous. This went from talking and scolding to it’s getting dangerous. The rage on his face was really obvious. You could tell she was scared, and with good reason. At that point I decided to go over and stand by her. I went over and looked at Newton and said, instead of looking at her, look at me. I told him to leave her alone. That made him even more angry, so he started walking towards us. As he was walking towards us, I told him to stop, but he didn’t, and he started walking towards me. I had to literally jump up to hit him, and I did.”

Cavin argues that this is not just about politics, that the problem is broader.

“I make no apologies for my behavior that night. In fact, I woke up the next morning and was proud of myself for standing. It has nothing to do with politics. It wouldn’t have mattered to me if Ms. Cox had been a far-left liberal. It wouldn’t have mattered to me if Ms. Cox had been a stranger or some lady I’d never seen in my life.”

Cox says after everything that happened, he feels uncomfortable being in the same room as Newcomb.

“He was harassing me and scolding me all night. He was just gesturing, you know, raising his middle finger. He did that to Clint Lancaster, I think.

She is grateful that Cavin was there to help.

“I don’t know what would have happened if he hadn’t been there that night to protect me. He was the only man in that room who stepped up to protect me. And I really shudder to think what would have happened if Jimmy hadn’t been there and if Jimmy hadn’t stepped up to protect me. My husband wasn’t there that night to do that, but Jimmy rose to the occasion and he really is my hero.”