
How to Make Cursor AI Understand Folder Structure

AI cursor understands folder structure

Language models such as ChatGPT and Cursor have transformed the field of AI, demonstrating extraordinary capabilities in natural language processing, code generation, and problem solving. However, despite their impressive performance, these models often face challenges when it comes to understanding complex folder structures in coding projects. This limitation can hinder their ability to accurately capture file locations and relationships within a repository, leading to suboptimal performance and potential misinterpretations.

To solve this critical problem, an innovative solution called Flatten was created by Trelis Research and is now available on GitHub. This powerful script, developed by a team of skilled programmers and AI enthusiasts, aims to flatten the repository structure into a single filethereby increasing the AI’s understanding of project organization. By simplifying the hierarchical structure of folders and files, Flatten enables language models to process and analyze coding projects with greater precision and efficiency.

TL;DR Key takeaways:

  • Language models have difficulty understanding the hierarchical folder structure in coding projects.
  • The Flatten script on GitHub flattens your repository structure into a single file, making it easier to understand how AI works.
  • The script consolidates the repository structure, optionally flattens text, skips binaries, and enables exclusions via the `flatten_ignore` file.
  • The way to use it is to download the script, set execution permissions, and run it to generate the `repo_structure.yaml` file.
  • Key features include skipping binary files, respecting `.gitignore`, and optional wrapping of XML tags to allow for detailed content analysis.
  • Benefits include a better understanding of AI, improved design analysis, and customization options.
  • Particularly useful for projects with shorter repositories or using language models with extended context windows.

Understanding Folder Structure

While language models have proven effective in a wide range of applications, from text generation to sentiment analysis, they often struggle when faced with the complex hierarchical folder structure of coding projects. This challenge stems from the inherent nature of these models, which process information in a linear fashion, making it difficult for them to capture nested relationships between files and directories.

Not being able to fully understand your folder structure can lead to several problems:

  • Inaccurate file referencing: Language models may have difficulty locating and referencing specific files in the project hierarchy.
  • Misinterpretation of dependencies: The relationships between files and their dependencies can be unclear to the AI, which can lead to incorrect assumptions and results.
  • Incomplete understanding of the project: Without a clear understanding of the folder structure, language models may not capture the full context and purpose of the coding project.

These limitations can significantly impact the effectiveness of AI-based tools and applications in software development, code analysis and project management.

Introducing the solution: Flatten

Recognizing the need for a robust solution, Flatten script emerged as a fantastic option for increasing AI’s understanding of folder structures. Available on GitHub, this innovative tool offers a simple yet highly effective approach to simplifying repository structure, making it more accessible and understandable for language models.

The basic functionality of Flatten is its ability to flatten the repository structure into a single file. By consolidating the entire folder and file hierarchy into a unified representation, the script provides a clear and concise overview of the project organization. This flattened structure eliminates the complexities associated with nested directories, allowing AI models to process and analyze data with greater ease and accuracy.

Making the cursor AI understand folder structure

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How the script works

The Flatten script uses several key techniques to improve the AI’s understanding of folder structures:

  • Flattening the repository structure: The script loops through the entire repository, gathering information about each file and its location in the hierarchy. It then consolidates this data into a single file, usually named `repo_structure.yaml`, which serves as a comprehensive representation of the project structure.
  • Optional text flattening:In addition to flattening the repository structure, Flatten offers an optional feature to flatten all text files in a repository into another file. This can be especially useful for projects that require AI to analyze and process the contents of individual files.
  • Skipping binary files: To optimize performance and focus on relevant data, the script automatically skips binary files during the flattening process. This ensures that only text files that are more relevant to AI processing capabilities are included in the flattened structure.
  • Excluding specific files: Flatten provides flexibility by allowing users to exclude specific files or folders from the flattening process. By creating a `flatten_ignore` file and specifying the paths to exclude, users can customize flattening based on the unique requirements of their project.

With these advanced features, Flatten transforms complex folder structures into a simplified, AI-friendly format, allowing language models to better understand and navigate your project organization.

How to use the script

Integrating Flatten into your workflow is a simple process. To get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download and copy the script: Visit the GitHub repository hosting the Flatten script and download the latest version. Copy the script file to a local repository where you want to increase your AI understanding.
  2. Set execute permissions: Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory containing the Flatten script. Use the `chmod` command to grant the script executable permissions. For example, run `chmod +x` to make the script executable.
  3. Run script: Execute the Flatten script by running `./` in the terminal. The script will go through the repository, flatten the structure, and generate a `repo_structure.yaml` file in the same directory.

Once the script is done, you’ll have a flattened representation of your repository structure that’s ready for AI to process. The `repo_structure.yaml` file can be easily integrated with AI-powered tools and applications, allowing them to better understand and navigate your coding project.

Key Features and Benefits

Flatten offers several key features and benefits that make it an indispensable tool for improving AI’s understanding of folder structures:

  • Improved understanding of AI: By flattening the repository structure into a single file, Flatten enables language models to better understand the organization and relationships between files. This improved understanding leads to more accurate and reliable AI-generated results.
  • Improved project analysis: The script proves to be particularly useful for projects with long context windows, such as those using advanced language models such as Gemini Pro or Gemini Flash. By simplifying the folder hierarchy, Flatten supports more efficient processing and analysis of coding projects.
  • Personalization and flexibility: The ability to exclude specific files or folders from the flattening process allows users to tailor the result to the unique needs of their project. This personalization ensures that only the relevant data is included, optimizing AI performance and reducing unnecessary noise.
  • Seamless integration: The generated `repo_structure.yaml` file can be easily integrated with existing AI-powered tools and applications. This seamless integration allows developers and researchers to enjoy the benefits of flattened folder structures without extensive modifications to existing workflows.

By harnessing the power of “flaton,” developers, researchers, and AI enthusiasts can unlock the full potential of language models to understand and process coding projects. The script’s ability to simplify complex folder structures enables AI to deliver more accurate and insightful results, transforming the way we interact with and use AI in software development.


The Flatten script, available on GitHub, represents a significant advancement in AI’s understanding of folder structures in coding projects. By flattening the repository structure into a single file, this powerful tool enables language models like ChatGPT and Cursor to better understand file locations, relationships, and dependencies in a project.

The benefits of using Flatten are numerous, from better AI understanding and design analysis to customization and seamless integration. Whether you are a developer working on complex coding projects, a researcher exploring the possibilities of language models, or an AI enthusiast looking to optimize your tools, Flatten offers a solid and efficient solution.

As the field of AI evolves and expands, tools like Flatten will play an increasingly important role in bridging the gap between AI and the intricacies of coding projects. By simplifying folder structures and increasing AI understanding, we can unlock new possibilities and push the boundaries of what is possible with language models and AI-based applications.

So if you want to take your AI projects to the next level, consider integrating Flatten into your workflow. Discover the power of flattened folder structures and the transformational impact it can have on your AI’s performance and capabilities. The future of AI in coding is here, and Flatten is leading the way.

Source: Trelis Research

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