
4 Ways to Improve Your Shopify eCommerce Store

These days, there has been a drastic shift from highstreet shopping to eCommerce. Many businesses have a Shopify eCommerce store and sell their products and services online. Shopify is one of the most popular eCommerce development tools due to its simplicity and features but oftentimes the basic store setup has room for improvement. In this guide, we look at four simple ways you can improve the performance, SEO, and management of your Shopify eCommerce store.

1. Use a Mobile-Optimized Theme

One of Shopify’s benefits over other eCommerce platforms like Magento is its range of mobile-optimized themes. However, your store must be mobile-optimized due to the sheer volume of customers who shop on their smartphones today.

When developing your Shopify store, you should be able to preview its design in both desktop and mobile views. We advise designing for mobile use first and making sure your mobile-responsive version works flawlessly.

You can use tools like BrowserStack to test your store on multiple device types and see how the different elements will display. Make sure you nail this process first; otherwise, you could potentially alienate a large portion of your customer base.

2. Add Shopify Schema Markup to Boost SEO

Schema markup is an important feature on Shopify that is often overlooked. It’s a series of codes you enter that helps define different elements on your website to improve accessibility and visibility for search engine crawlers. The most important markup types include:

  • Product
  • Image
  • Video
  • Organization
  • Article

This handy guide on schema markup explains the process manually, but there are also useful Shopify eCommerce store schema apps like Schema Plus for SEO, which can make the process easier to implement.

3. Consider NetSuite Integration for Automation

Managing your Shopify eCommerce store can be time-consuming, especially as your site grows. There are tools you can implement to help with these repetitive processes such as Shopify NetSuite integration.

Integrating NetSuite into your Shopify setup can help streamline your operations and automate a heap of processes. For example, you can automate your inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping processes.

By doing this, you spend less time managing your Shopify eCommerce store, allowing you to concentrate on other business areas like marketing, SEO, and product development. Experts at sites like Jitterbit can help with this integration and ensure that your Shopify eCommerce store isn’t adversely affected during the process.

4. Utilize the Shopify App Store to Enhance Site Utility

One of the great things about Shopify is its app store. This has thousands of plugins created by third-party developers that you can use to enhance your site’s usability. Examples relevant to eCommerce include:

  • AI chatbot customer support.
  • Product reviews.
  • Comment feeds for blogs.
  • Upselling tools
  • Subscription management.

For example, you could implement a product review app like, which allows you to add reviews to your product pages that include multimedia elements like images and video. This can greatly improve the trust factor and appeal of your products to potential customers.


Ensuring your Shopify store is optimized for mobile use is imperative. After you have done this, you can look at more advanced upgrades like NetSuite integration to automate processes. Don’t forget the importance of the app store, either. Make sure you add basic SEO features like schema markup to improve your store’s crawler visibility and accessibility.