
Teresa Ribera ready to take on Big Tech and support European champions

Teresa Ribera faces huge challenges as Europe’s potential new antitrust chief. Nominated by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the Spanish minister for ecological transition now needs to win the approval of the European Parliament.

If confirmed, Ribera would navigate complex issues involving Big Tech, banks and airlines while upholding competition rules. She would have power over multibillion-dollar mergers and hefty fines for companies that dominate markets or set prices. Ensuring that tech giants like Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft and Meta comply with new rules will be a major task.

In addition, Ribera could step up efforts to curb non-EU state subsidies and address the rise of AI in the face of existing market control by Big Tech. Her track record includes negotiating key deals on emissions caps and EU energy market rules, bolstering her credentials for the role.

(Based on information from the agency.)