
Biofuels group calls for tighter import controls

A leading ethanol trade group has asked the EPA to clamp down on imports that could undermine the industry.

The Renewable Fuels Association on Tuesday asked EPA Administrator Michael Regan to more closely monitor imports of used cooking oil (UCO) and tallow used to make biomass-based diesel fuel, which it says distorts the U.S. biofuels market and could violate federal renewable fuel standards.

RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper said U.S. industry players believe some of the imports may include palm oil, which is being unfairly counted toward U.S. biofuel incentives. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) repeated that complaint during a call with agriculture reporters Tuesday.

“Without EPA action to strengthen verification and accounting requirements, the flood of questionable UCO and tallow imports not only threatens to inflict further economic harm on U.S. farmers and biofuel producers, but also undermine the integrity of the RFS program,” Cooper said. The imports suppress demand for U.S.-produced corn oil by distillers, as well as for crops used to produce biofuels, he said.