
Police Officer Fired for Using Grindr and Police Car for Sex

A Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) officer has been fired after an investigation found he used the Grinder app to engage in sexual encounters while on duty and used his patrol car to meet potential partners.

What do we know

A memo issued by Police Chief Brian O’Hara on September 17, 2024 summarizes the department’s investigation into allegations of misconduct and O’Hara’s reasons for firing Officer Juan Alonzo Jr.

Details of the investigation

According to the document, an internal affairs investigation confirmed that Alonzo Jr. “repeatedly engaged in sexual activity while on duty and in uniform after meeting a member of the community on the Grindr app. He also exchanged photos and messages while in uniform and invoked his status as a Minneapolis police officer in seeking sexual interactions.”

The investigation revealed that Alonzo Jr. also used the patrol car during some of the incidents and accessed non-public information for personal purposes (e.g., obtaining the contact information of an individual he met with the intent to have sexual intercourse with).

Several of the charges describe Alonzo’s patrol car being parked in front of homes that were not located within the precinct he was assigned to during his shift.

The investigation revealed that as a result of his actions, Alonzo Jr. violated several department policies, including the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct and Vehicle Use Policy.

The police chief’s response

O’Hara made the following statement in his decision to fire Alonzo Jr. from the department, saying in part: “As chief of police, I have a responsibility to clearly set expectations for behavior and conduct in every situation, not just when it is convenient.

“Officer Alonzo engaged in sexual intercourse while on duty, failing to conduct himself professionally and ethically, and engaged in conduct while on duty that violates the ethical standards of the department. Officer Alonzo failed to meet our standards when he used his police powers to access a member of the public’s confidential and private information for personal use, potentially exposing the city and the department to significant legal liability.”

“Officer Alonzo departed from his assigned area, which deprived the community of law enforcement support. He did so while in a police vehicle, while in uniform, for personal reasons… Based on the evidence presented to me in connection with this investigation, I determine that the policy violations… justify the dismissal of Officer Alonzo from the Minneapolis Police Department.”