
Tentacle Sync’s TIMEBAR – Smart Slate Hack? by Alec C. Cohen

In the world of film and video production, ensuring precise synchronization between audio and visual elements is crucial. Professionals around the world rely on timecode tables and generators to streamline post-production workflows and ensure precise synchronization. Among the market leaders, Tentacle synchronization has made a name for itself with innovative and affordable timecode solutions. Now, with the introduction of Tentacle TIMEBAR, the company is set to revolutionize the way professionals approach timecode systems.

Compact and versatile timecode display

The Tentacle TIMEBAR isn’t just another piece of gear; it’s a versatile timecode display that offers a multitude of uses. At its core, it functions as a timecode generator, much like the popular Tentacle Sync-E, but with the added benefit of a full OLED screen. This allows everyone on set—from camera operators to sound engineers—to easily view the timecode in real time before each take. Its multi-function nature makes it an attractive option for those who don’t want to carry multiple devices or systems with them on shoots.

A Closer Look at Tentacle’s Time Bar Features

In addition to the basic features, TIMEBAR offers several additional functions and modes that make it an extremely valuable product for live production:

  1. Timecode Display: The time bar provides a clear and accurate timecode readout that can be appended to a traditional “dumb set” to convert it to a timecode set. This feature is invaluable for productions that rely on visual timecode synchronization between audio and video, eliminating guesswork in post-production.
  1. Timecode Generator: Like Sync-E, Timebar is also a full-fledged timecode generator. This means that not only can it display timecode, but it can also generate it for devices that need to be synced. This makes it especially useful in multi-camera setups where timecode is critical to maintaining smooth sync.
  1. Timer and Stopwatch Modes: One of the standout features of Timebar is its timer and stopwatch functionality. In live productions, countdown timers are essential for maintaining precise time. Whether it’s tracking the duration of a scene or measuring the duration of a live broadcast segment, this feature ensures production teams stay on schedule.
  1. Message Mode: Message Mode is a unique and creative addition. It allows users to display custom messages on the OLED screen, which can be especially helpful in live production environments where discreet communication with on-screen performers or crew members is necessary. For example, the director can pass on specific instructions to the host without having to interrupt the flow of the production.
  1. Battery Life and Durability: Tentacle Timebar boasts an impressive 24-hour battery life at standard brightness, ensuring it can last a full day of shooting. Plus, its slim, lightweight design makes it easy to use and transport while still feeling solid. Built-in batteries are convenient, and the product is covered by a two-year warranty for added peace of mind.
  1. Bluetooth Control: Like other Tentacle Sync products, the Timebar offers Bluetooth connectivity for remote control. This allows users to manage Timebar functions without having to physically interact with the device, which is especially useful when it’s mounted on a camera, tablet, or placed in hard-to-reach places.

Competing Smart Slate Systems on the Market

While the Tentacle Timebar offers a number of impressive features at a reasonable price, it is important to consider how it compares to other smart sign systems currently on the market. Traditional timecode signs are often expensive, and many professionals face the challenge of finding a reliable, yet affordable solution for their projects.

Three of the industry’s leading smart license plates are Ambient Recording’s Lockit Take 2 Modular Slate, Denecke’s TS-C Compact Timecode Slate, and Deity’s TC-SL1 Smart Slate. All three are fantastic options, but they’re priced at $1,679, $1,410.75, and $999, respectively. The primary reason to buy a smart license plate instead of a “dumb” license plate is to read the timecode on the license plate itself, so media teams can double-check the timecode on camera. By using the Tentacle TIMEBAR “hack” of attaching it to a “dumb” license plate, a production sound mixer can save over $600 over the cheapest smart license plate option. While most timecode products work well together, this is an especially worthwhile investment if you’ve already purchased one in the Tentacle ecosystem.

Why Tentacle Sync stands out

The Tentacle Sync ecosystem is valued for its simplicity and efficiency, especially in productions where every minute and every dollar counts. The Tentacle Sync-E, the predecessor to the TIMEBAR, has already gained a loyal following for its ease of use, compact form factor and reliability. By expanding its product line with the Tentacle TIMEBAR, Tentacle Sync continues to meet the needs of professionals looking for efficient solutions that won’t break their production budgets.

Unlike some more expensive boards that require extensive training or setup, Tentacle Sync products are plug-and-play. Bluetooth control and compatibility make this product particularly appealing, so mixers don’t have to jump between apps to improvise timecode or make changes.