
EPA Reaches Settlement with Akron Steel Treating Co. for Alleged Hazardous Waste Violations

An Akron-based company has reached a settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over alleged violations of hazardous waste regulations.

Akron Steel Treating Co., located at 336 Morgan Ave., will address the violations and pay a civil penalty of $105,855, according to an EPA news release.

The company, which heat treats carbon and stainless steel parts, allegedly stored hazardous waste at the facility for more than 180 days without a required permit. The company was cited for three violations:

  • Exceeding the permissible weight of stored hazardous waste.

  • Lack of a manifest system to track waste shipped off-site.

  • Insufficient space in aisles in hazardous waste storage areas and incorrect labeling of hazardous waste storage containers.

“EPA is committed to protecting communities like Akron from the dangers of improper and unregulated disposal of hazardous waste,” Debra Shore, EPA Region 5 Administrator, said in a release. “This settlement with Akron Steel Treatment underscores EPA’s commitment to enforcement and promoting environmental justice.”

The release noted that the facility is located “in a community where potential environmental justice concerns exist,” which include “the fair treatment and meaningful engagement of all persons without regard to race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.”

Originally published in the Akron Beacon Journal: EPA settles with Akron Steel Treating Co. over alleged waste violations