
Daily Horoscope for Every Zodiac Sign: September 20, 2024

Zoe Chao, Virgo.
Photo Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

Today, the waning moon enters Taurus. After the excitement and drama of this week’s eclipse, the Taurus moon calls you to remember the practical side of life. Things you can see and touch deserve your attention too. Neptune may cloud your judgment a bit this evening: avoid commitments for now, because you may feel differently in a day or two.

Making decisions may be incredibly difficult for you today, as your characteristic boldness has been replaced by caution. You are suddenly hypersensitive to everything that could go wrong, to everything you could lose if you make the wrong decision. But the harder you think, the more overwhelmed you feel. A bit counterintuitively, the solution may be to think lessRather than trying to reason your way through a problem or determine the optimal path forward, you may be better off simply going by intuition.

You tend to be a good judge of character and can quickly tell if someone is just talking, doesn’t have your best interests at heart, or is hiding something. But these days, it’s harder to read people—especially those who are intriguing or charming. You want to believe the best in everyone; it’s exhausting to be cautious and critical. But just focus on what people Down over what they to talkWords can be misleading, but actions rarely are.

You are a likeable and pleasant person, and your life is full of people who find you delightful. But today you may be haunted by the feeling that they do not see you for who you really are: Maybe you worry that they ignore your flaws; maybe you feel that they are so focused on what they have to want see in you that they miss you actual good qualities. If you feel misunderstood or invisible, you have the right to clarify the matter.

Lately, your life may feel strangely cramped—like you’ve outgrown your old pursuits, ambitions, and even relationships. You need something more exciting; when you tell your life story, you don’t want it to be boring. No matter how careful and rational you try to be, there’s a part of you that yearns for adventure—and that side of you deserves to be heard. But don’t rely on others to provide the excitement of your life: step forward and seek out your own adventure.

You’re usually good at standing up for yourself. You’re all too aware that some people would walk all over you if you gave them a chance, so you’re vigilant about setting boundaries. But today, part of you might wonder if you’re just being selfish, if saying “no” is wrong or rude. other people. It’s worth checking in with yourself and making sure you’re giving your all — but you don’t have to feel guilty for saying “no” when others ask too much of you.

You like your relationships to be clear and unambiguous—you don’t wonder if your partner is really on the same page or if your friend values ​​your connection as much as you do. Honest communication can go a long way toward building the clear relationship you want, but it won’t resolve all your questions or uncertainties. People are confusing, sometimes even to themselves. There’s no way to get rid of them. All secret: At some point you just have to trust.

Sometimes it seems like your generous nature is just getting you into trouble. The harder you work, the more you put on your plate; the more support you give to others, the less you get in return. Today, your inner voice may start to ask if kindness is really worth it: Would you be happier if you forgot about other people and focused on yourself? Don’t listen. Putting your own needs last will lead to burnout and resentment, but that doesn’t mean compassion is a waste of time.

You tend to keep your cards close to your chest. You don’t try to be secretive; you’re just a private person. There’s nothing wrong with that, and your caution has protected you in the past. But today, that caution could land you in trouble. If you don’t tell your friends what you want, they won’t help you find it—and they could get in your way.

You tend to be resourceful and emotionally resilient. If something goes wrong, you go to plan B; if you feel stressed or sad, you’d rather move on than stifle. But sometimes that approach means other people don’t notice when you’re struggling. That doesn’t mean you should make a big fuss, but if you want compassion and understanding today, you need to stop glossing over the more painful parts of your emotional reality and start telling people how Actually feel.

Today, it may seem like everyone in your life is less trustworthy than usual, as friends fail to keep plans, coworkers fail to follow through on their commitments, and even the mail gets misdelivered. You know you have high expectations of people, but you’re not being unreasonable—you just want them to keep their promises. But try to resist the urge to vent. Everyone needs a little extra patience sometimes, and if you’re patient now, you’ll be in a better position to ask for grace when you need it.

You may not be an impatient person by nature, but lately it’s like nothing can happen fast enough for you. You don’t want to change your life slowly: you want results Now. A sense of urgency may serve you well in some cases, but today be wary of anyone or anything that promises immediate transformation. Dramatic measures will likely not be as effective as you hoped and may even backfire. On the other hand, your slow, steady, daily actions will add up.

You’ve always been good at reading other people’s emotions, but today you might find that you’re even more sensitive to them than usual. You can pick up on the slightest changes in the social temperature and read signals that are invisible to everyone else. This can help with communication, but it can also make you treat other people’s moods as a problem. You They are responsible for. They are not. Treat others with kindness, but remember that you are not responsible for the feelings of others, only your own.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, Here.