
Work faster and unleash your creativity like never before with Klaviyo AI

Retail marketers are actively seeking AI solutions that will drive creativity and engagement. But the good news is that many of these AI solutions are already available, just often overlooked.

Intelligent marketing automation platform Klaviyo has just published a research paper online AI Trends Report for E-commerce Marketers. More than 1,500 marketers reveal how they’re using AI today—and how they hope to use it in the future. The bottom line is that marketers are actively seeking AI opportunities for their brand—opportunities that already exist.

“This is a remarkable finding,” notes Jessica Schanzer, principal product marketing manager at Klaviyo. “It shows that so many marketers are literally missing out on leveraging technology that already exists to enhance their campaigns and customer interactions.”

As the report confirms: “Nearly half of e-commerce marketers who use AI in their work would like AI solutions to perform marketing analytics, compare their brand performance with similar organizations, and predict customer behaviors and attributes.”

Part of the problem seems to be that marketers have been drawn to the introduction of OpenAI early last year, arguably the most common and popular form of AI in the market today. “It’s shiny. It’s sexy. It’s a big reason so many of us have gone from wringing our hands over whether AI will help us at work to believing that AI can help us do our jobs better,” the report concludes.

Download the AI ​​Trends Report For Ecommerce Marketers research paper here.

The five most important tasks for which marketers would like to use artificial intelligence

Respondents to the Klaviyo study identified a number of tasks where they would like to use AI to improve their marketing campaigns and customer engagement and retention programs.

  • Performing marketing analyses: Forty-nine percent of respondents said AI can help them deliver relevant experiences that convert browsers into buyers, using predictive analytics that include predicted next order date, customer lifetime value, spending potential and demographic data.
  • Brand performance analysis compared to similar organizations: Again, 49 percent of respondents want AI to help them identify areas for performance improvement by uncovering hidden strategic opportunities through benchmarking that shows how key metrics compare to competitive brands.
  • Predicting customer behavior and attributes: 47 percent of respondents want AI to help them make recommendations at scale, providing personalized product recommendations to customers.
  • Creating complete marketing campaigns: 45 percent of respondents said AI can help them develop marketing campaigns more efficiently – similar to Klaviyo’s AI tool, which already creates effective email subject lines, email copy and even full SMS campaigns.
  • Displaying your website form at the optimal conversion moment: 44 percent of respondents said they’d like to leave A/B testing to Al. In fact, Klaviyo Al tests multiple versions of a brand’s forms to find the highest-converting display times—in a single, standalone test.

Klaviyo AI gives marketers a serious competitive advantage. Here are four essential features that successful marketers are implementing today to stand out from the competition:

  • AI Sentiment Overview: This allows marketers to identify products and promotions that spark joy, spot emerging trends, and identify potential problems before they become more severe.
  • Predictive analytics: Marketers can use AI to predict future order dates, determine customer lifetime value, purchase potential, and time between orders – not to mention churn risk and other important data to optimize customer interactions and conversions.
  • Personalized product channels: Brands can automatically show products online or in messaging products that customers are more likely to buy. “Klaviyo Al does what no human could ever do, Schanzer explains. It analyzes all your products, narrows them down to the ones that each customer is most likely to buy, and puts those recommendations in inboxes in minutes.”
  • Industry benchmarks: Marketers can see how their brand stacks up against the competition, allowing them to refine their marketing messages and ensure they’re focusing on the right factors that will encourage customers to engage.

Schanzer says many marketers appear to be unaware that they have such powerful tools at their disposal that they can leverage to support customer engagement efforts.

“There’s a chance that marketers got distracted by generative AI and, as a result, didn’t develop comprehensive AI strategies that could actually make a difference,” he says.

Frankie4 and Meshki prove that Klaviyo’s approach to AI works

Australian footwear brand Frankie4 is one of the multi-channel retailers driving engagement and sales with Klaviyo AI. The brand achieved a 51 percent increase in SMS campaign revenue from the second half of last year to the first half of this year and a remarkable 59 percent drop in SMS campaign unsubscribe rates.

One way Frankie4 achieved such success was by using Klaviyo AI to leverage SMS as a VIP channel to increase retention of the most engaged customers. Timely, personalized SMS campaigns were used to offer early access to sales and new product previews.

“Consolidating our email and SMS marketing into Klaviyo has been a game-changer not only in terms of conversions and revenue growth, but it has also streamlined our workflow and increased our ability to make data-driven decisions to personalize customer touchpoints,” says Rebecca Sheppard, CRM Manager at Frankie4.

Klaviyo helped the brand ensure it wasn’t hitting new customers with a bunch of generic product messaging. Instead, Frankie4 was able to nurture relationships through relevant, personalized content so consumers felt like they were part of an engaged community.

Another retailer that has benefited is Meshki, which boasted a 240 percent year-over-year increase in value attributed to Klaviyo in the final quarter of last year. The global fashion retailer attributes 20 percent of its global e-commerce revenue to Klaviyo campaigns and reports that growth in its global email campaigns increased by 167 percent in the same quarter.

Switching to Klaviyo SMS campaigns allowed Meshki to reach customers across multiple regions and channels, all through one platform.

The retailer found success by using Klaviyo AI’s dynamic product feeds to automate personalization at scale, so customers receive carefully curated product recommendations without having to manually create thousands of campaigns.

“We need to make sure our CRM strategy isn’t just effective, but has a direct impact on the bottom line,” says Tiarne Warren, head of commerce and e-commerce marketing at Meshki. “By bringing SMS into Klaviyo, we’ve been able to consolidate our technology stack, streamline our workflows, and access customer data in one place.”

Join Klaviyo product experts on September 26 for a live demo where they will guide you through the latest Klaviyo AI features, followed by a Q&A session where we will answer any questions you may have..