
New Jersey Manufacturing Expansion Program Receives $2 Million to Strengthen Supply Chains

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The New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program (NJMEP) received $2 million in federal funding to strengthen supply chains in the defense and green energy sectors.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology awarded the grant under the Green Energy and Defense Supply Chain Capability Enhancement Program.

The funding will help NJMEP develop a methodology to address supply chain and capitalize on opportunities in both sectors. It will also enable Manufacturing Extension Program centers in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island to better coordinate across the Northeast region.

As part of the Manufacturing Day section of the September 23 issue of NJBIZ, we spotlight NJMEP and its recent accomplishments. This award continues the organization’s wave of momentum.

“The Green Energy and Defense Supply Chain Capacity Program is a critical initiative that not only strengthens our supply chains, but also bolsters our national defense and economic stability. By addressing supply chain gaps in defense and green energy manufacturing, we are ensuring our nation is better prepared to meet the challenges of the future,” said NJMEP CEO Peter Connolly. “This initiative will generate job growth, supporting communities across New Jersey and the nation, while expanding opportunities for manufacturers.”

Coordinated approach

NJMEP Chief Strategy Officer Torsten Schimanski said the initiative sets the standard for achieving supply chain resilience through proactive and collaborative action.

“This program represents a strategic step forward in our approach to supply chain optimization in the defense and green energy sectors,” Schimanski said. “By focusing on supplier research, outreach and engagement, we are creating pathways for new entrants while strengthening existing suppliers. Cross-state collaboration among MEP Centers provides a coordinated approach to closing supply chain gaps and maximizing the impact of our joint efforts.”

U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-11th District

The federal funding was praised by U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-11t District. A strong supporter of the state’s manufacturing sector, Sherrill has worked with NJMEP on numerous initiatives.

“For generations, New Jersey has been at the forefront of our manufacturing and innovation economy – and I am focused on ensuring that businesses can thrive in our state and that every New Jerseyan can play a role in our modern economy,” Sherrill said. “That’s why I’m so excited that our federal tax dollars are returning to the Garden State to fund NJMEP’s plan to lead a multi-state network of manufacturing companies that will strengthen our defense supply chains, invest in green energy infrastructure and fortify North Jersey’s Picatinny Arsenal.”

“Strengthening the Department of Defense supply chain ensures we remain globally competitive, ensuring our nation’s long-term success and security,” Connolly added.

“I am grateful to NJMEP for their ongoing partnership in our shared mission to ensure New Jersey is a leader in supply chain research and development that will lead our nation into the future,” Sherrill said.