
Google pays to rehire AI pioneer

Who do you think is fully responsible for the rise of several AI research startups that are wreaking havoc in the current world? Research startups like OpenAI, Mistral, Anthropic, Cohere, etc. Does it all boil down to one company that Google surprised? Well, here is a non-exhaustive list of companies and their notable members with a link to Google ✨OpenAI: Co-founded by Ilya Sutskever, he was a Research Scientist (RS) at Google Brain (GB). He has many accolades to his credit, including AlexNet, seq2seq, and GNMT – Google Neural Machine Translation, which defined the shift from statistical to neural methods. OpenAI created #ChatGPT Dario Amodei, Co-founder of Anthropic, was a Principal Engineer at Google DeepMind (GD) before becoming VP of Research at OpenAI. ✨Anthropic: Co-founded by Christopher Olah, was one of the RS at GB and later led interpretability research at OpenAI. Anthropic created #Claude #LLM ✨Mistral AI: Co-founded by Arthur Mensch, former RS ​​at GD. They released #Mixtral LLM ✨Cohere: Co-founded by Aidan Gomez – one of the authors who created Transformers at Google, which started the AI ​​revolution we see today. One of the other co-founders is Nick Frosst, who was also a researcher at GB. Developed by #Command, #R, and #R+ LLM ✨Cohere For AI: Non-profit research lab dedicated to delivering open source and foundational #ML research, led by Sarah Hooker, another former RS ​​from the UK ✨Essential AI: Founded by Ashish Vaswani and Niki Parmer – members of the same group of people who created #Transformers ✨Character.AI: Co-founded by Noam Shazeer, one of the co-creators of Transformers at Google. He recently returned to Google to co-lead development of #Gemini ✨ Coursera , DeepLearning.AI , LandingAI : While Andrew Ng is a brand in his own right and doesn’t need Google to be associated with him, it’s important to know that all of these aforementioned researchers worked at Google Brain, which was founded by him and Jeff Dean — the fathers of modern AI ✨ Inflection AI and Microsoft AI : Giant Mustafa Suleyman — co-founded Deepmind , is the creator of Inflection AI , and is currently the CEO of Microsoft AI (which acquired Inflection AI) This is by no means an exhaustive list. But you get the idea. Now, why is this origin story important? Let’s not write Google off. Not yet. It’s been known to attack. And it’s reportedly on the verge of a dramatic comeback (at most in early 2025). With Sergey back in Google R&D (albeit much more passively than before), he will likely achieve feats that have been known for a long time! For starters, Microsoft is already being demoted by investment analysts fearing that its lead over Google and Amazon has disappeared. But interestingly, Sam Altman just received over $6 billion in funding, valuing OpenAI at $150 billion – exactly what gave MSFT the edge in AI! With Apple, NVIDIA and old Microsoft all looking to join the funding rounds, the AI ​​dragging on… That sums up the short #history #of #AI for the past decade 🙂