
What is Hispanic Heritage Month and Why Do We Celebrate It? – NBC New York

Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated every year from September 15 to October 15.

While it is important to elevate the voices, culture, history, and contributions of Hispanic and Latino communities year-round, the U.S. government has officially designated this month to recognize the contributions made by “American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America,” according to the government’s official website.

Hispanic Heritage Month has been celebrated for decades. Yet questions still arise, such as “What is Hispanic Heritage Month?” and “Why is it divided into two months?”

Before we move on to the most important achievements of Latinos and their culture, here is everything you need to know:

Hispanic Heritage Month History

Before it became a month-long celebration, it lasted only a week. Rep. Edward R. Roybal and Rep. Henry B. Gonzales sponsored a bill to make it a week-long celebration, Hispanic Heritage Week.

“The bill was introduced at a moment of political radicalization among young Mexican-Americans who were demanding fair access to resources, including government services and education,” said Frances Negron-Muntaner, a professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University.

“While Hispanic Heritage Month officially began as a state project, it was also a response to decades of Latino activists, particularly in the 1960s, whose demands included recognition of their culture, history and rights.”

President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the proposed legislation into law in 1968.

It wasn’t until two decades later, on August 17, 1988, that Hispanic Heritage Week was legally expanded to a 30-day celebration, from September 15 to October 15, under President Ronald Reagan. Hispanic Heritage Month was first proclaimed or publicly announced to Americans by President George H.W. Bush in 1989.

Why is Hispanic Heritage Month in September and October?

People may wonder why heritage month is celebrated in the middle of two months. There is a good reason for this. September 15th was chosen as the starting point for Hispanic Heritage Month because it is the anniversary of the Cry of Dolores or ““Dolores’ Net” according to Carlos Olave, head of the Hispanic Reading Room at the Library of Congress. This event started the Mexican War of Independence and led to the liberation of Spain’s New Colony (now Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras, and Nicaragua) in 1821.

Mexico, most Central American countries, and Chile celebrate independence from Spain on September 15, 16, and 18, respectively.

Columbus Day falls during Hispanic Heritage Month, but instead of honoring the controversial explorer, Spanish-speaking countries are celebrating “Times Day” or “Race Day” on October 12. This holiday, which closes out Hispanic Heritage Month in the U.S., highlights the mix of indigenous heritage and European or mestizo heritage in Spanish-speaking countries.

How Hispanic Heritage Month is Celebrated Today

Just as there is no one-size-fits-all way to celebrate for the Latino and Hispanic community, there is no one way to celebrate Latino Heritage Month.

“Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month can take many forms, from organizing or attending cultural festivals to volunteering to help Latino communities in need,” Emily Key, director of education at the Smithsonian Latino Center in Washington, told TODAY.

Museums across the country, including the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Latino, are offering programs and resources to honor Latino and Spanish-speaking communities. Check out museums and libraries in your area throughout the month to see if they have similar events. The best part is that they’re often free.

In Washington, the Library of Congress will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in most of its 20 public reading rooms, hosting blogs, performances, workshops, exhibits, screenings, lectures, and special events. The Hispanic Reading Room will release 50 audio recordings of Latino writers from the PALABRA Archive, a collection of about 800 original audio recordings of 20th- and 21st-century Luso-Hispanic poets and writers (a reference to regions once ruled by Portugal or Spain) reading their works.

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at home by trying traditional recipes from Latino and Spanish chefs. Or make it a family affair by reading one—or all—of these kids’ books before bed. For an adult reading session, consider a book from this curated list of Latino authors, including the March 2021 Read With Jenna book club selection.

And if you want to show your support with your wallet, check out this list of Latina-owned beauty brands you can shop now and forever.

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