
Secure, integrated platforms enable MSPs to focus on delivering efficient solutions to their customers – Partner Content

Managed service providers (MSPs) face increasingly demanding challenges, and their customers face disruption at every turn. The emergence of artificial intelligence, which Gartner predicts will grow significantly over the next two to three years, the constant plague of cybersecurity threats, and increasing complexity as new tools come to market mean that MSPs must constantly adapt.

Successfully navigating these turbulent waters depends on establishing partnerships that enable MSPs to focus on meeting customer needs without missing out on new opportunities or adding complexity that disrupts their business operations.

Nick Moran, associate director of evangelism at ConnectWise, says these challenges are complex and can be overcome with a systematic approach.

“After almost thirty years of running my own MSP company, I understand the problems service providers face. They don’t need more solutions – they need better, integrated solutions that simplify processes and improve data management.”

The balance between delivering new tools, managing security, and not adding complexity is an issue that MSPs struggle with every day. Moran says customers are constantly looking for new ways to improve their business.

“End users are demanding these tools. However, ensuring they integrate with your existing technology stack can be a challenge. MSPs need to work with strong partners who can help them incorporate new tools, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, into their product offerings in a way that allows end customers to seamlessly access the tools. All this while ensuring that processes such as billing and support are not delayed.”

Added to this complexity is the looming shadow of the IT shadow. Customers are finding that users are gaining access to these new tools before companies can safely deploy and integrate them. MSPs play a key role in safely making these new tools available to their customers.

Moran’s experience as an MSP attracted him to ConnectWise and allowed him to put himself in their shoes. As new tools and technologies continue to enter the market, MSPs are looking for ways to improve the range of products and services they can provide. However, the continued proliferation of tools can create unwanted complexity and risk.

“The ConnectWise Asio™ platform provides MSP tools through a secure marketplace that simplifies end-customer billing and data integration without the need to implement dozens of APIs,” explains Moran. “With an integrated approach, security risks are reduced.”

Managing increased cyber risk is crucial. With the Australian Cyber ​​Security Center reporting a new attack every 7 minutes, security cannot be taken lightly. The ConnectWise Asio™ platform manages security at the infrastructure level – it is not an aftermarket add-on.

The ConnectWise Asio™ platform launched in Australia at IT Nation Sydney in August 2024. Addressing data sovereignty concerns, ConnectWise has partnered with Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform and Snowflake to ensure all customer data is stored onshore in on-premise data centers.

“Security is a shared responsibility of ConnectWise and its MSP partners,” says Moran. “When we built Asio™, we placed an emphasis on security at its core to minimize the risk of successful attacks and limit the risk of data loss or corruption.”

The integrated toolset offered by ConnectWise Asio™ ensures seamless communication between solutions, reducing chaos and increasing efficiency. By leveraging on-demand experts, robotic process automation, security and more, companies can expand their capabilities and allow their teams to focus on high-priority tasks.

“ConnectWise doesn’t stand still. We recognize that the world is constantly changing and that SMEs are at the forefront of supporting businesses through change. Our recent acquisitions of Axcient and Skykick are consistent with our ongoing commitment to providing the best possible solutions to our MSP partners,” says Moran.

These strategic acquisitions continue to expand ConnectWise’s cybersecurity and data protection portfolio. They provide your company with a full-fledged business continuity and disaster recovery offering, focused on MSPs, which can be accessed through ConnectWise Asio™.

ConnectWise Asio™ also provides strategic business management capabilities, enabling companies to track and report on their entire activity. With access to valuable insights and analytics, companies can make informed decisions, improve customer relationships, increase profitability and optimize team performance.

MSPs are at the forefront of helping businesses deliver value to end customers and the ANZ economy. ConnectWise, through the recently launched Asio™ platform and the acquisitions of Axcient and Skykick, is enhancing services to enable service providers to deliver the best services without adding unnecessary and unnecessary complexity to their operations.

Nick Moran is the head of CRN. You can learn more about it here.